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Nandini gets Shivi's location from Mitu mami and meets her at the hospital. There they have a heated argument and Nandini decides to marry her off as soon as possible to Akki. She returns home with Shivi and starts to think of ways to solve the problem named Priya.

At Sood house, Ram comes with Bri.

Ram- Meera auntie this is Brinda, my friend. She wanted to meet Priya.

Brinda- Namaste auntie, how are you?

Meera- I'm fine beta, how are you?

Bri- I'm so glad today auntie I've heard a lot about you from Ram. I was so excited to meet you!

Meera- What a darling you are. Come and sit here. Let me bring some pakoras and tea for you.

Bri- No auntie, there's no need for that. Please don't bother. I'm just here to meet Priya.

Meera- Areh! what bother? I've already prepared everything for you, let me just fry some.

As Meera goes to the kitchen Bri turns to Ram.

Bri- Meera auntie is so cute Ram. Priya's also cute like her, na?

Ram- [Scoffs] Cute and Priya? She is the complete opposite of Auntie. Khadoos hai wo Khadoos.

Bri- Shut up, Ram. Meera auntie where is everyone? Sara, sandy?

Meera- Sara is at the bakery and sandy is at her student's home.

Ram- Sandy tutors students?

Meera- Ha.

Ram- Everyone in this household does something, na? It's really nice.

Meera- Ha Ram. I've always taught my kids to be independent, and self-sufficient. That helps to have full authority over themselves and they can be an asset to the family, society, and the country.

While Ram and Bri are listening to Meera with reverence in their eyes, Priya rings the bell. Ram goes to open the door. 

Priya is standing there. She looks tired. She has a bag full of vegies in her one hand. The other hand is busy opening her raincoat. She gets shocked seeing Ram at the door. 

Priya- You? Here? 

Ram- Ha, I came with Bri.

Priya- Who's bri? 

Ram- She's...... [Ram stops and thinks, that bag looks heavy.] Give it to me. I'll take it. 

Priya- No, It's ok I can take it. 

Priya comes inside the home and finds Bri sitting on the sofa. 

Meera- You have reached. Where's Sara? 

Priya- She is closing the bakery. 

Priya looks at bri with questions in her eyes. 

Bri gets excited to meet Priya. She springs up from the sofa and walks to Priya. 

Bri- Hi! I am Brinda, Ram's friend. You must be Priya. 

Priya thinks in her mind, "Wow! now he has started bringing his friends too. And ma is toiling at the kitchen for them." Priya gets annoyed to see Meera do all the extra work. She tries to smile for the sake of civility. 

Priya- Yeah, I am priya. 

Bri- Nice to meet you, Priya

Priya- Nice to meet you too. 

After that small interaction, Priya goes to the kitchen to unpack the veggies and fruits. 

Priya- Ma, I have bought the fruits for the bakery also. I am keeping them aside ok. Please tell Akki and Sandy not to devour them. 

Bri finds Priya's choice of words interesting. She turns to Ram to catch him looking at Priya. 

What has Ram seen in her? 

Underneath her rude persona, Ram finds a person who is just tired. Tired of struggling, getting it all together, meeting the need of the family, making a business stand, taking care of everything....

Somehow underneath all the layers of rudeness, and bitterness of Priya, 

Ram sees a reflection of himself.

& Ram losses himself in that mirror in Priya.

A mirror that shows him his past. 

He too was 


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