Wake up, Ram!

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At the dinner, Bri initiated a conversation about honeymoon. She started with her own experience and then asked Priya about her thoughts or plans on this. Priya became a bit awkward. Ram texted Bri,

"I told you na, she doesn't like the idea. Priya ko awkward maat feel kara."

Bri checked her phone and smiled looking at the text. She replied,

"Wow! Protective. Good job, jaan. I'm so proud of it. But sorry."

Ram waited anticipating a mischievous move from Bri. Meanwhile, Priya was trying her best to find an answer that didn't feel weird or rude to the others. Ram stuffed his mouth with food as Bri looked at him with a questioning gaze to avoid having to say anything. Priya watched than and stuffed her mouth too to avoid the question and smiled politely.

Bri continued.

Bri- Chalo koi na. You don't have to answer. You'll just have to accept our gift. 

Bri took out an envelope from Adi's pocket. 

Bri- It is from us. 

Ram- What is it? 

Bri- Wedding gift. 

Priya- What was the need for it? You already gave us so much. 

Bri- Oh ho, Priya. Those were reception gifts and sangeet gifts. This is a wedding gift. farak to samjho. It is necessary. You must accept it. You must, you must. 

Ram- Accha, at least tell us what is this. 

Bri- Do you need to know it to accept it? Can't you trust "us"?

Ram- No, I can't.

Bri- Priya, you too? 

Priya- Ummm.

Bri- Please, accept this, please. Pleeeeaseee...

Bri started coercing Priya. 

Priya- Ok, ok. Thank you.

Priya took the envelope from Bri. Bri screamed being happy. Ram took the envelope from Priya and opened it. 

Ram- Yeh to...

Bri- Tickets! Ticket to Shimla. 

Priya- Tickets?

Bri- For your honeymoon. 

Ram and Priya looked at each other. 

Adi- All preparation has been done. Brinda owns a small estate there. You'll stay there. I'll manage a cook and a butler. Ram, tere meetings bhi clear karwa diya for the upcoming week. 

Bri- Next Saturday you are going. 

Ram- You've cleared my meetings. What about Priya? She too works, yaar. And you didn't even ask.

Bri- Jaan, are you underestimating me? I've talked to Twinkle. Priya will have no problem managing a 3-4 day vacation. Right, Priya?

Priya- Yeah. 

Bri- Ok then. It's decided. You are going. 

All of them cheered. Ram and Priya smiled watching their happiness. 

After the dinner, Ram asked Priya on the way home. 

Ram- Are you okay with it? If you are not, you can tell me. I can cancel it. 

Priya- Are you not okay with it? 

Ram- I've absolutely no issue. In fact, I really wanted to go on a vacation. It's been long since I went on one.

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