Moral Dilemma

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Brinda knocked on the door of Ram and Priya's room to find it open. She pushed it and entered the room while calling both Ram and Priya's name. Adi followed her. 

She couldn't find them in the room. She then walked towards the balcony and there she found them. Priya was leaning against the door to balcony. Ram was resting his head on her lap. 

One of her hands was around Ram's waist which was held tightly by Ram

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One of her hands was around Ram's waist which was held tightly by Ram. Another hand had it's fingers in the tangled hair of Ram. 

Adi and Brinda's eyes teared up seeing these two poor souls. Adi had told her everything and she couldn't start another day without meeting with Ram and Priya. Brinda slowly approached towards them and knelt down. She slowly shook Ram and Priya and called them. They woke up and stared at Adi and Brinda. Adi closed the door from inside and walked towards them. 

Brinda's teary eyes and caressing hand made them realized that she went there knowing everything. It took Ram a second to break down in front of her. He hid his face into his palms and started crying. Priya too started crying seeing him. Brinda couldn't bear this. She pulled both of them into a hug. 

Adi sat beside them. He couldn't stop his tears as well. He held Ram's hand. Ram looked towards him and then hugged him tightly. Adi and Brinda tried to pacify Ram and Priya. After a while, Priya calmed down. Wiping her tears, she spoke to Brinda. 

Priya- How are you two? 

Brinda- We're fine... So, did you tell anyone? 

Priya shook her head in negative. Ram sat up straight and spoke.

Ram- Only you and Adi know about this. But I have to tell mom. And Priya doesn't want Meera maa to know anything about this. 

Adi- That's an impossible task. If Nandini aunty gets to know this then she will obviously talk about this. And Meera maa is bound to know. 

Priya- But mumma already had a stroke. What if she had another one? What will I do? It's a risk on her health. Mahendra Sood and Sashi Babbar are already in the jail. Do we really need to disclose this? 

Priya spoke with pleading eyes. 

Ram- So, you are suggesting I hide this from mom. Doesn't she deserve to know the truth? What if she knows this from somewhere else? 

Priya- But who will tell her if not us? 

Ram- What about the police, the lawyers and the judge? How do we know that mom won't attend a single hearing of this case? And think clearly. Would the journalists keep quiet, once the case reached to the court? 

Priya didn't say anything. She knew that it wasn't possible to hide such a big thing from her mother. But she didn't have the heart to break this to her. The fear of anything happening to Meera was eating Priya from inside. 

Brinda understood her fears. She had heard from Ram how devastated she was when Meera had a stroke. She held her hand. Priya looked at her. Her eyes spoke something that Brinda couldn't read. Helplessness, sadness, and perhaps a question or a request. 

Adi- We can think about that together. First of all, tell me, why were you two sleeping on the floor? Are there bed bugs in your bed? 

Ram- Yuck! no. You know how particular I am about cleanliness. I'll burn the bed if it gets infested anytime. 

Adi smiled seeing an irked Ram. 

Adi- Ok, then get up and sit on your bed. nahi to tere L4, L5 ki laag jayegi. 

Adi helped Ram to stand up and walked towards bed with him. He took a tissue to wipe his tears and started to talk about breakfast. 

Once they walked away. Priya spoke.

Priya- Bri? 

Brinda- hmm?

Priya- Who should be prioritized? A living person or a dead one? 

Brinda didn't say anything. She was kind of shocked to hear the question. 

Priya- I know my question may sound a bit rude. But... I can't stop thinking about it. I know that dad deserves justice and mom deserves the truth. But what does my mother deserve? She did nothing wrong. Her parents married her off to that cruel person. Her husband committed a heinous crime. God gave her four daughters. In all of these incidents, she didn't have any hand, but she was the one who always suffered. Is it wrong for me not wanting her to suffer again? Or is it wrong of me to try to mitigate the risk of another stroke for her? What should be prioritized? Letting mom know the truth or my mother's health? 

Brinda couldn't find any answer to the question. Priya's question pushed her in front of a moral dilemma. 

Priya- I know my words sounds rude and cynical. But I am just thinking of my mother. Who else will think about her, if I don't? 

Brinda- I understand, Priya. You've got a point. But so does Ram. Even if we don't inform Nandini aunty, sooner or later she will get to know. If we want to hide this from her, we would have to spare Sashi and Mahendra Sood. 

Priya- By no means, I want to spare them. They should be punished. They are a threat to my family. But... [sobbing] How should I save my poor mother, Bri? How do I save her? 

Brinda once again pulled her into a hug. Priya sobbed in her arms. Ram and Adi noticed from far. 

Ram- She's completely devastated, Adi. She thought that I'd leave her after knowing the truth. 

Adi- Her fears are valid, Ram. She really loves you a lot. 

Ram- I love her too. 

Adi- She also loves Meera maa. 

Ram- So do I. I love her as my own mother. 

Adi- Then why do you want to break this news to her? Priya is telling it may harm her. 

Ram- Then what do you propose? Should I spare those criminals? 

Adi- Pata nahi. The situation is way too complicated. 

All four of them was confused. Suddenly they hard a knock on the door. Ram looked at Priya before opening the door. Priya and Brinda stood up from the floor. Priya straightened herself and gave a nod to Ram. He then opened the door. It was Tarun. He had come to ask about the breakfast. 

Tarun sensed something was off. But he didn't say anything. He asked about the breakfast and went to kitchen to prepare the meal. The four distressed soul once again sat together to find a solution together. 

Ram- Let's consult with the doctor first. 

Priya- He will say what I already said. 

Ram- Then there is only one way. I should to talk to mom first. Then I can request her to not disclose this to Meera maa. She would understand. 

Brinda- You trust everyone blindly, jaan. I've always said it and I will say it again. Your perception of people is almost always wrong. Nandini aunty will never consider someone else's problem. 

Ram- Mom will. At least for me, she will. I'll explain everything to her. I'll request her. I'll... beg to her. 

Adi and Brinda felt sad and frustrated watching his unwavering trust on Nandini. 

Priya- Should I talk to her as well? 

Adi and Brinda looked at Priya with shocking expression. 

Brinda- Priya, you too?

Priya- We don't have any other option. Mom might understand. 

Ram and Priya stood side by side. They spoke with a lot of confidence. Brinda felt frustrated. But she didn't know how to show them what she has seen in Nandini. She kept saying that this was a bad idea. But Ram and Priya clutched that only option like a drowning man would clutch at a straw. 

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