The Puppeteer of Misfortune

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Vedika decided to ruin all lives that revolve around Ram and Priya. 

She had found out the girl, Anjali who was working with Akshay was knee-deep in debt. She blackmailed her to trap Akshay into a scandal. Anjali did so for money. At first, she tried to capture some intimate photos with Akshay. But Akshay being a gentleman avoided touching her even when she was throwing herself on him pretending to cry and complain about her life. Then she sent those photos to Akshay. She threatened him to give him money or otherwise, she'd leak the photos. 

Akshay panicked getting the photos. He didn't know what to do in this situation. He called Priya and informed her all about this. Priya was shocked listening to the whole story. She advised Akshay to seek legal help. 

One morning, Akshay and Priya went to Advocate Arohi Gupta for seeking legal help. They showed her all the photos and threatening messages. She advised them to talk to Anjali in her presence and try to settle things between the two parties as in case of harassment allegations the court tends to be biased towards the women. And as she is not an unknown person, it'd be easier to do that. They decided to follow her advice

On the way home, Priya told Akshay to inform Shivi about everything. Akshay didn't want to. But Priya explained that as a wife Shivi had every right to know. And it'd prevent any possible conflict in the future. Akshay agreed with her. 

Suddenly it hit Priya, "Mr. Kapoor was doing the same thing. He let you know everything. He didn't hide anything from you, Priya. But what are you doing? You have returned to the Kapoor mansion but you are not even talking to him properly. You are busy with your own insecurities when Mr. Kapoor had to face the betrayals of close ones. What is wrong with you, Priya?"

Priya decided to talk to Ram as soon as possible and clear all misunderstandings between them. 

Upon arriving at Sood house, Akshay and Priya heard loud yelling noise from the house. Priya entered the house quickly to find Shivi bawling her eyes out in the arms of Ram. Ram was trying to pacify a crying Shivi and a yelling Shubhu. 

Priya- What happened? Shivi, why are you crying like that? 

Shivi opened her eyes to find Priya. She left Ram and hugged Priya. 

"Pri di, Akki..."

She uttered two words only to start crying again. Akshay walked toward her not understanding what was going on. Shubhu noticed him and proceeded to punch him. Ram stopped him from doing so. Priya held Shivi in a hug and asked Shubhu what had happened. 

Shubhu- What happened? Look at these photos. See what your characterless brother was doing. 

He threw the photos on the floor. Priya and Akshay took a look and they instantly knew what was going on. 

Akshay started to explain it Shivi. He pulled Shivi from Pri's arms. Shubhu yelled at Akshay. 

Shubhu- Oye! Don't you dare touch my sister. 

Shubhu pulled her away from Akshay. 

Shubhu- She won't live in the house for another single moment. 

Shubhu proceeded to leave the house with Shivi. Ram tried to stop them. 

Shubhu- Vai, aren't you with us? 

Ram- Of course, bachha. But. 

Shivi- Vai, you told me. I have equal rights as you and Shubhu in our house. Will you stop me from going to my own house? 

Ram- No, never.

Shivi- I can't stay here vai. Just look at those pictures. Akki has broken my heart.

Akki- No, Shivi, trust me, those are...

Shubhu- Don't worry, Shivi, Vai is not like any other stepbrother.  

Shubhu didn't let Akki finish talking. Priya noticed Ram's teary eyes and helpless stance. He always fell weak in front of his siblings. In front of the word- "Step". She knew how the word hurt him and made him forget everything else. She couldn't expect anything from him in that situation. 

"Of course, he will support his siblings. They come first for him. He will never try to understand us when apparently we are guilty of Shivi. I can't expect anything from him now."

Priya thought to herself. She felt helpless and all alone. She tried to calm Akshay, who was trying to talk to Shivi like a crazy person. 

Meera and Sara tried to stop Shubhu but he didn't listen. Akshay was trying to talk to Shivi but he didn't let him too. Shubhu made Shivi sit in the car. Then he pulled Ram to the car. Meera kept calling Ram but he didn't hear a thing. 

Shbhu was about to make him sit in the car when he kept a hand on his shoulder.

Ram- Where is Priya? 

Shubhu- Vai, you are still asking about her? 

Ram- She is your vaabi. I can't leave her and go. 

Ram turned back and walked toward Priya. Priya looked at him in astonishment. He stood near her and held her hand. 

Ram- Please, let's go home. I'll fix everything. But I need you. 

Priya saw a silver lining of hope. Something in her made her want to depend on him. She was tired of handling everything all alone. She wanted him to understand her and stand by her. 

Priya- Akki was framed, Mr. Kapoor. I took him to talk to an advocate today. I'm telling the truth. I can prove it to you. 

Ram- My Shivi's crying, Priya. 

Priya- Yeah, I know. I can't expect you to stand by me. 

Ram- You can and I will. But I need some time. I need to assuage my sister first. I need to stop her tears. 

Priya- Will you be by my side after that?

Ram- I'll always be by your side. Cause it's you, my wife. And I trust you to stand by the truth.  

Priya calmed down. A chance to speak was all she needed. A chance to prove her brother to be innocent. And Ram was ready to give that chance. Priya never expected blind trust from someone. She never expected someone to say that they trusted her, that they would be by her side. But nevertheless, Ram was ready to give her all the things that she never expected. This made her emotional.

Shubhu once again tried to take Ram away from them. Priya looked at her hand, Ram was holding onto it. Meera noticed it too. She lightly pushed Priya and told her to go with Ram. Priya walked with him. Ram strengthened his grip on her hand. So did Priya.

They didn't say a word. But without uttering a word they understood a fact. 

None of them wanted to lose the other. 

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