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Priya freshens up and joins Ram, Bri, and Meera in the drawing room. Ram and Bri are munching on the pakodas to their heart's content. Bri can't stop praising them and the ginger tea Meera made for them. Initially, Priya was a bit disturbed, for her mother had to do all the extra work for them. But as she sees her mother's smile from all the appreciation she was getting from Ram and Bri, Priya feels content. In this whole world, her mother's smile matters the most to her though she doesn't express it. 

While Ram and Bri are relishing those pakodas and chatting with Meera, the doorbell rings. 

Priya opens the door to find Sara, Sandy, and Akki together. 

Priya- Areh! All of you, together? 

Sara- Ha, Priya. Both of them are sad today. That's why they went to the bakery. 

Priya- What did happen to these two? 

Sara- Don't know. Didn't tell me. You are there, na to listen to their blabbering. I exist to feed them brownies and hot chocolates only. 

Sara replies with a fit of fake anger. 

As they all enter the home, they are greeted by Ram. Sandy's eyes glisten watching the pakodas. She joins to munch on them. Priya scolds them and sends them to freshen up. They all join them later after freshening up. Then Ram starts the talk. 

Ram- Meera auntie. Brinda and I came here today to talk about Priya. 

Priya was busy in the kitchen but she comes to the drawing room at the mention of her name. Ram continues. 

Ram- Brinda selected some men for her. You all should check them out. Here is their biodata. 

Brinda- Also I wanted to meet Priya to know about her likes and dislikes. So that I can find the perfect match for her. 

Ram- Yeah. And we need a photo and biodata of Priya.

Sandy- Ok, I am bringing it. 

Sandy runs to her room to bring Priya's photo and biodata. Here Meera was about to say something but Priya interrupts her. 

Priya- Exactly what is going on here? 

Ram- Matchmaking. 

Priya- Yeah, I can see that but why? 

Ram- Because Akki said so. 

Priya- And I told you, "no". What about that? Is there no value in my words? 

Ram- Ek second. I didn't say that your opinion doesn't matter. Of course, it does. But asked permission from Meera auntie before starting all these matchmakings, ok? And She said, ok. 

Priya- [Turns to Meera] Ma, I told you I don't want this. I won't marry I am telling you. 

Meera- Priya, we already had this talk na? You need to marry. Nobody can live alone. 

Akki- Ha Pri di. We all want to see you settle down. 

Priya- I am settling down. I am standing up a business, my career is stable. What more do you want? 

Sara- But Priya, everybody needs somebody. Love is necessary for life. 

Priya- Love? You still believe in love! Are there not enough hearts broken in this house that you....

Priya can't complete the sentence. She doesn't want to complete that sentence. She controls her tears and storms off to her room. Sandy comes to the room with Priya's photo and senses this heavy air. 

The last incomplete line gets stuck with Ram. "Are there not enough hearts broken..." Ram thinks to himself, is she also heartbroken just like him? Ram realizes he doesn't know much about the Soods. What are their struggles, their stories. While Ram was lost in his thoughts, Bri whispers to his ear that they need to leave. Ram returns to reality. He hurries to leave the place. He takes Meera's blessings, asks her to not get tense about this, and assures her that he will find a way to solve this. He hurriedly takes Priya's photo from Sandy and puts it in his inner breast pocket. Ram and Bri bid adieu and leave the place. 

Everyone in Sood house feels devastated. They can't find a way to convince Priya. 

Meanwhile, Priya continues to fight herself in the room. 

Priya thinks, how can people be so naive about love and relationships? 

Priya- Without pain love can give nothing. These love and marriage value nothing. These are certainly not for me. I am fine by myself. I don't need anyone at all. 

Outside of Sood house, Bri speaks up. 

Bri- Jaan? 

Ram- hmm?

Bri- You know what I feel? This Priya na, she was also hurt by someone. Just like you. 

Ram hums in agreement. 

Little did they know, how badly Priya was treated. 

That too by those people, 

Who were related to her by blood

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