To Get Rid Of It

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Under the canopy of a star-studded sky, their heartbeats seemed to echo in a rhythmic melody. The waves whispered against the shoreline, the serene backdrop to a moment that had changed everything.

The sound of the waves seemed to be in sync with their breathing, a soothing cadence that wrapped around them.

Ram broke the hug and turned to Priya, his gaze searching hers, a mix of excitement and vulnerability in his eyes. He reached for her hand, their fingers interlocking like two puzzle pieces fitting together. Ram confessed, his thumb tracing comforting circles on her skin.

Ram- I was so afraid to say it. 

Priya- Why?

Ram- What if you hated it?

Priya- Why would I? 

Ram- That means you loved it? 

Priya said nothing. She gave a shy smile only. 

Ram- Bolo na, Priya. That means you love me too, right? 

Priya stood up and walked towards the sea. Ram followed her. 

The sound of the waves seemed to be in sync with their breathing, a soothing cadence that wrapped around them. 

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, the weight of their confession lingering in the air like a promise. As the night embraced them, they could feel their heartbeats slowing down, matching the rhythm of the ocean waves.

Ram- Priya, do you hear that?

Priya- What?

Ram- The calm. I think it's the universe telling us that everything's going to be okay.

Priya- [Smiling] I think you're right.


Ram and Priya returned home late that night. Before entering the house, Priya had texted Tarun to keep the cake in their room.

Upon reaching their room, Ram dropped onto the bed due to tiredness. Priya followed him into the room, closed the door, and stood in front of him with a smile. Ram looked at her. He sat up and stretched out his hand towards her. She held his hand, made him stand up, and took him to the table. His gaze fell on the beautiful cake kept on the table. 

Ram- Priya, What is it? 

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Ram- Priya, What is it? 

Ram asked with excitement. Priya made him sit down on the sofa. 

Priya- Do you remember our first conversation over the phone? 

Ram- That... When I was ordering cupcakes for Shivi's engagement? 

Priya- Hmm. This...

Ram- Is this the all-in-one cupcake? 

Priya- Not exactly an all-in-one cupcake, but all cupcakes at once. It has strawberry, goji berry, chocolate, truffle...

Ram didn't let her complete. He took her in a hug in excitement and kissed her cheek. Priya giggled in his embrace. Ram spoke breaking the hug.

Ram- So, this is how you will tell me "I love you", ha Priya? 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, mujhe ye sab bolna nahi aata. 

Ram- Kya sab? 

Priya- Ye jo... 

Ram- I love you? 

Priya- Hmm

Ram- Still shy, ha? Even after... all the kisses?

Priya- Tch. Mr. Kapoor. 

Priya proceeded to go away. Ram held her hand.

Ram- Achha, suno na. I love this "I love you" more. Kab kiya ye sab? 

Priya started to tell him when and how did she manage all that. Ram relished the cake and fed some to Priya too. 

They spent the night gossiping with each other. No matter how much they talked with each other they always had more to share. Their never-ending chitter-chatter kept them awake till the dead of the night. 


In the morning, everybody had their breakfast together. While having breakfast Shivi raised the topic of the "Chura wadna" ceremony. 

Shivi- Let's arrange that ceremony quickly! I don't want to wear these anymore. 

Ram- Ok. Whenever you want. Priya, when will you be free? We need to arrange your "Chura wadna" first. 

Priya- Let's arrange Shivi's first.  

Shivi- Ok.

Shivi started planning her ceremony right then. Nandini was explaining the ritual to her. Ram and Priya finished their breakfast and bade goodbye to everyone before leaving for work. 

In the car, Ram asked Priya. 

Ram- Why are you delaying yours? 

Priya- No specific reason.

Ram- Do you love these a lot?

Priya- Not a lot.

Ram- But you love to wear them.

Priya- I don't hate them. 

Ram- If you don't have any specific reason or liking for them then listen to me. Get rid of them fast. If you like them, then I won't force you.

Priya- Why are you so bothered with my chuda? 

Ram- Because they are bothering me. 

Priya- How, Mr. Kapoor? What did they do? 

Ram- They are a huge problem, Priya. 

Priya- I am wearing them. How are they a problem to you?

Ram- Because they are on your wrist. Whenever I want to hold your hand, they come in between. 

Priya laughed at his explanation. 

Ram- Is it funny to you? It's not funny at all. Do you know how hard it is while...

Ram stopped not wanting to make Priya awkward. 

Priya- While what? 

Ram- Forget it. 

Priya- I want to know. 

Ram- Really? Sharma jaogi. 

Ram smiled looking right into her eyes. Priya didn't understand him at all. She frowned at him. 

Priya- Aap ki aadhein baatein na mujhe samajh me nahi aatein hain, Mr. Kapoor. 

Ram changed the topic conveniently. After reaching their workplace, he parked the car in the basement. They entered the lift together. There was no one in the lift. Ram took the chance and held her hand. 

Ram- Do you still want to know what I meant? 

Priya- Ha. 

Priya replied with a confused tone and a frown. 

Ram- While pinning you down on the bed holding your wrist, they bother me. 

Ram whispered in a husky tone near her ear. Her frowns disappeared, her cheeks became flushed, and her toes curled listening to him. The lift arrived on her floor. As the door opened, Ram had to say "Goodbye!" to her in his normal voice to break her stupor. She gave him a side-eye and got off the lift. Ram gave her a naughty smile. As the door closed, Priya smiled seeing the newly developed audacity of her husband and its swooning effect on her. 

As she sat on her chair, her mobile chimed. It was a message from her husband. 

"Free your dates. We need to get rid of it."

Priya bit her lips and pretended to frown at her screen to stop a sheepish grin that threatened to appear while reading the text. 

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