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In the morning, Priya woke up with a splitting headache. Ram entered the room with toast and eggs. 

Ram- You are awake.

Priya- Ha, but where are we? And why do I have a headache? 

Ram sat beside her. He gave her medicines for the headache and water. 

Ram- A lot of things happened yesterday. At first, I thought I would leave for the office early and return quickly. But then I thought it won't be right to leave you here all alone and confused. So, let's freshen up. Then I'll tell you everything while having breakfast. I just found out the toaster and there you go- toast and eggs for breakfast. 

Priya- Ok. I can't remember anything from last night. 

Ram- Just go and freshen up. 

Priya- Ok.

Priya removed the duvet and got shocked looking at her bare legs. She screamed in astonishment.

Priya- Mr. Kapoor! What!!

Ram- I swear, I didn't do anything. Look, I even covered you with a separate duvet. I checked your pajamas are dry. They are kept in the washroom. I didn't check your suit though that might be a bit wet. 

Ram spoke while looking away. Priya wrapped the duvet around her waist and ran to the washroom. 

In the washroom, Priya found her pajamas. They were indeed dry. Priya tried to remember what happened last night. She remembered the dance they had together. She smiled remembering how Ram had kissed her hands. She caressed her fingers with that thought. But she couldn't remember anything after the dance. 

"The cake!! Where's the cake? Did he see that? Did he cut that? And the roses?" She tried to remember all the surprises she had arranged but to no avail. 

She freshened up. She noticed the white shirt on her while washing her face with water. A whiff of the shirt let her know it belonged to her husband. She looked at her suit which seemed dry. Without drying her hands first, she picked up the suit. Her wet hands made the suit wet again. 

Priya- Uh, this is still wet. 

Priya told herself unenthusiastically. Then she dried her face and hand with a towel and wore the pajamas. Before coming out she took another whiff of her husband's shirt and smiled.

The mirror in front of her showed her radiant smiling face to her. She became self-aware. 

Priya- What is wrong with you Priya? Why are you grinning like a teenager? 

She scolded herself and came out with a serious frowning face. But one look at her busy husband removed that frown from her face and brought a smile. 

Ram was busy fixing the rose bouquet she had bought for him. Then her gaze fell on their breakfast, neatly kept on the table. Toasted bread, fried eggs, fried sausages, an apple, and pieces of the cake she had made for him. Priya walked toward the table.

Ram's gaze fell on her. She had freed her hair and she didn't change his shirt. Ram's heart leaped in joy. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor? 

Ram- Ha Priya? 

Priya- Did you cut the cake last night? When?

Ram- We cut the cake together last night. But I guess you don't remember anything. 

Priya- No.

Ram- Well, actually, you got drunk last night?

Priya- What?? But I had asked for a lemonade. And I told them it shouldn't contain alcohol. Then why? Really, Mr. Kapoor, I didn't get drunk intentionally. Trust me. 

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