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The next few days quickly pass by discussing Shivi and Akki's marriage. Ram and Priya have been busy with their respective work. Shivi decides to create scopes for them to meet more often. She decides to go shopping for the wedding with Ram and Priya. It has been really easy to make Ram agree to the plan. But in the case of Priya, she has struggled. Shivi also shared her plan with Bri as she badly needed an ally. 

Finally, it is the day. Shivi, Bri, Ram, and Priya go shopping. Ram has made an appointment at a boutique shop in the evening. Priya wanted to go there by auto. But Shivi and Bri insisted that she comes with them. So, in the afternoon, Ram, Shivi, and Bri come to Priya's office to pick her up. As Priya was about to open the door to the car Ram opens it for her. This shocks Priya a bit. She thinks to herself, "I could have opened it myself. Nobody has ever opened or held a door for me. I haven't seen a man do it, to be honest. But Mr. Kapoor does it for everyone. He's ..." Priya can't find the word to describe him. 

They reach the shop. Shivi and Bri excitedly enter the shop. Priya feels uncomfortable in the shop. For two reasons mainly- shopping at such a place is against her principles and people presented there were looking at her. 

Priya feels self-conscious at first. Is there something on her face or clothes? Then she thinks, there's nothing on her face or clothes. No mask of makeup, no glamour. That's the problem. Here people value clothes and masks more than the people beneath. They judge others on the basis of money, not morals. That's why she always avoids these places. 

Priya is sitting in a corner and several thoughts are coursing through her mind. She is lost in her thoughts. Suddenly she is brought back to the world by Ram's voice. 

Ram- Excuse me. May I sit here?

Priya- Of course you may. Why do you ask? There is so much space. 

Ram- But you were here first so I had to ask you if you were comfortable.

 Priya thinks to herself, "Sometimes I don't understand this man at all. Normally men don't ask these things. They just see to their own comfort. Mr. Kapoor is ..."- Once again she fails to find the word that'd describe him. 

Ram- Why don't you also buy something? 

Priya- No, thank you. I don't need anything. 

Ram- Don't you? Come on, Priya. It's your brother's wedding. You need new clothes. 

Priya- No, I don't.

Ram- Everybody wears new clothes at weddings. It's... it's... auspicious. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, there are no rules like that. And even if there were such rules I wouldn't buy new clothes now. at least not from here. 

Ram- Why? What did this poor boutique do? 

Priya- "What did this poor boutique do?" Really Mr. Kapoor? Have you seen the price tag on dresses? 1 lakh, 2 lakhs! Areh, that's some people's annual income. I absolutely hate this. And if you compare, it's clearly overpriced. Look over there.

Priya points to an ombre sequin saree.

Priya- Here the tag says it will cost 1,35000 rupees to buy that. I have seen a similar kind of saree at a local market for 10,000 rupees. A difference of 1,25000 rupees just because of the brand value and probably a slight difference in material.  Does that make any sense Mr. Kapoor? 

Ram is listening to Priya with his mouth open. "Does this really make any sense?", he thinks to himself, "No, it doesn't. It doesn't make any sense." 

Ram- B...ut... It feels good.

He tries to defend his obsession with clothes that is yet to be revealed to Priya. 

Priya- Well, it doesn't feel good to me, Mr. Kapoor. That's why I won't be buying anything from here. If I ever have to spend 1 lakh rupees in a day, I'd rather donate it all.

Ram- Where would you donate it? 

Priya- There are many people in this world, Mr. Kapoor, who can't even feed themselves or their children properly. Not even for a day. By the way, I already donate to some NGOs and a blind school. Probably I'd donate it there. Do you donate, Mr. Kapoor? 

Ram- Actually... that... Our business has many verticles... Where would that be... I'll have to ask Tarun... Should I call him? Ok, I am calling him. 

Priya- No, you don't have to. It's not an important question that you must answer it. I think to keep balance in society we should donate 10-30% of our income. Anyways...

A smile appears on Ram's face while listening to Priya. 

Ram- You know Priya, this whole world revolves around money. They run after money, worship money.  But you have no attraction to it. That makes you unique. 

Saying this Ram stands up and walks toward Bri and Shivi. 


"Yes, that's the word that'll perfectly describe you, Mr. Kapoor."

"You are truly unique.",

Priya thinks to herself. 

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