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The entire car ride Ram keeps his mouth shut. Priya finds it a bit odd. Priya thinks to herself, "What happened to him today? Waise to itne bolte rehte hain. Perhaps he is just tired. He had so many sleepless nights."

On the other hand, Ram is trying hard to forget whatever he felt in Sood house at that moment. 

As they reach their office, Ram says goodbye to Priya with a bewildered look. Priya replies and proceeds to go only to turn back. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, are you alright? 

Ram- Ha? Ha... what will happen to me? Nothing. Not a thing. I am perfectly okay. Completely fine. I am... I... a... I am just a bit tired. I am seeing things and thinking about things. But that's okay. I just need a good sleep and my pills. 

Priya- Ok. Thank you for everything. 

Ram- You are welcome. 

Looking at Priya's retreating figure, Ram speaks to himself, "That's it, Ram. You need to chill. You just need your pills and a nap to stop seeing things."

With that thought, Ram reaches his office, attends a meeting, and proceeds to take a nap. Adi asks him if everything's fine to which Ram replies that he's just tired. 

In the evening, Sara, Sandy, Akki, and Priya go to the hospital to visit Meera. Ram also goes there with Shivi. After visiting Meera, Priya talks to the doctor about Meera's health. 

Dr.- Ms. Sood, we have run some tests on her. Her lipid profile is absolutely fine. The stroke was caused by high blood pressure. Does your mother have a history of hypertension? 

Priya- Yes. 

Dr.- Is she on medicine? 

Priya- No, her dr. didn't prescribe any. But we control her salt intake. 

Dr.- That's great. But from now on I am putting her on medicines. 

Priya- Ok.

Dr.- And it seems like she was under a lot of stress which raised the blood pressure. Make sure she stays calm and stress-free. The next stroke can be lethal. Take care. 

Priya- Ok, thank you, doctor. 

Priya informs everyone about what the doctor said in detail and goes to the pharmacy to buy the medicines. 

Sara- All these happened for those women.

Akki- Which woman, Sara di? 

Sara- Mumma told me. There were some women at your engagement party. They were gossiping about why we are not marrying Priya off and they were assuming all sorts of wrong things about Priya. Mumma was hurt by their words. 

Ram- Who were they, Sara di? 

Sara- Someone from mami's side. You don't need to bother about them, Ram. They are our relatives. 

Akki- I won't spare them. 

Sara- What are you gonna do? Will you plan a missile attack on them now? 

Akki- Only if I could. 

Sandy- These people should not be called relatives. These are anti-relatives.

Shivi- Such eww people! Meera bua shouldn't have cared about their useless gossip. 

Sara- Actually, Shivi, mumma is too soft of a person. 

Shivi- So, all this could have been avoided only if Pri di agreed to marry my Ram vai. 

Everyone looks at Shivi in shock. While Shivi continues. 

Shivi- Why didn't she? Itna cute to hai Ram vai. 

Ram chokes on nothing. He pats Shivi on her head and whispers with a smile plastered on his face, "Bas kar. Kahi bhi kuch bhi bolti rehti hain. Priya sunegi to jaan le legi."

Shivi- Oh! Come on. Pri di is not like that. 

Ram screams to stop Shivi at this point. 

Ram- WO... wo... wo discharge kab honge Meera ma? 

Sara- Soon. After a few days. 

Ram- Ok. 

Ram- We will take our leave then. Akki's gonna stay tonight, so I don't need to. Also, I have some work. 

Sara- Yes, of course. By the way, you have done a lot for us Ram. We are really grateful. Thank you so much. 

Sara thanks Ram holding his hands. 

Ram- Sara di, don't thank me. We are family now. We are all Akki and Shivi's family now, right? 

Sara- Yes, of course. 

Ram- Ok, then bye. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me or Adi. Chal Shivi. 

Shivi and Ram leave the hospital. In the car, Ram asks Shivi.

Ram- What was that, Shivi? 

Shivi- What was what? 

Ram- That... Priya and my...

Shivi- Wedding talk? 

Ram- Ha. What was that? 

Shivi- Come on, vai. On a serious note, marry her, na? 

Ram- She said no.

Shivi- Propose to her again. Pursue her. Make her say yesss.

Ram- Calm down, calm down. What happened to you? 

Shivi- So many problems will get solved if you two marry. [Shivi speaks lowering her head.]

Ram- What is going on in your mind, baby sister? Spit out. 

Shivi- Akki is so sad and stressed, vai. I can't see him like this. And whatever happened to Meera bua wouldn't happen at all. And I'll get a cool vaabi, if you marry Pri di. You know how much I like her. And not to forget that you'll also get saved from Chudail Vedika. 

Ram- Shivi, don't call her chudail. 

Shivi- I will. This name is certified by Bri and Bri also told me love made you blind that's why you can't see her chudailness. 

Ram- I don't know what problem you guys have with her. 

Shivi- You don't have to. Propose to Pri di, na. Please, Ram vai, please, for me, please...

Ram- Ok, ok. I'll talk to her. Calm down. 

Shivi- [hugging Ram] Thank you, vai. I love youuu...

Ram- Seat belt, Shivi, seat belt. Careful.

 Shivi- Ok, ok. 

Sandy and Akki decide to stay at the hospital at the night and send Sara and Priya home. 

Sara and Priya freshen up and have their dinner. Later at night, Priya sits to calculate hospital bills. Sara sits beside her to help her with that. 

Sara- Priya, did mumma tell you anything after Akki's engagement?

Priya- No, why?

Sara- No, nothing. 

Priya- Did anything happen Sara di? The doctor was also telling perhaps she was stressed. 

Sara- Actually, mumma was stressed. Hurt.

Priya- What? Why? 

Sara explains everything to Priya in detail. Priya's eyes tear up. 

Priya- Sara di, will this society ever let us live in peace? What did we do it? 

Sara keeps her hand on Priya's head. 

Sara- The society is the cruelest, Priya. Forget about it. But for mumma can you reconsider marrying? 

Priya- Anything for her, Sara di. 

Priya embraces her elder sister trying to find solace in her. 

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