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At noon, Ram and his friends planned to eat outside. Ram proposed to take Priya and Twinkle with them and everybody agreed happily. Ram was about to call Priya when Nandini and Vedika came to his cabin. 

Ram- Mom, aap yaha? 

Nandini- Why? Can't I come to my son's office?

Ram- Of course, you can. I was just asking because have you had your lunch? 

Nandini- No, Ram. But I will. I'll meet some friends for lunch. Vedika & I have just come to check on you. You have just recovered. I hope you are not taking much pressure. 

Vedika- Ha, Ram. And did you take your medicine on time? I hope you are not eating junk food again. 

Adi- Vedika, Priya is taking care of Ram. You don't need to worry. 

Ram- Mom, I'm not taking any pressure. Adi is here, Bri, Kunal, Vikrant- they are taking care of me. Aur aapki bahu to na hoke bhi yahi hai. She prepared healthy snacks for me to have and sent them through Tarun. I'm not eating any junk food. Please, don't worry. 

Ram spoke holding Nandini's hand ignoring Vedika. But Vedika didn't understand that. 

Nandini- Priya did that? She's so caring. 

Ram- Ha, mom. That she is. 

Nandini- Ram, I wanted to talk to you actually.

Saying this she looked at Ram's friend.

Ram- Adi, will you please call Priya and wait for me? 

Adi- Ha, Ram.

The whole gang went outside being disturbed. Nandini continued. 

Nandini- Ram, I was thinking you should decrease your workload. I wanted to talk to you about this last night but then you slept early. 

Ram- Yeah, I was tired. 

Nandini- That's what I was trying to say. You always overwork yourself. You were so tired last night yet you came office early today. I haven't even seen you at the dining table. 

Ram- Wo, mom...

Nandini- I know you don't have any excuse. You do so much work Ram. It's not good for you. So, I was thinking. Why don't you appoint Shashi as the CEO? Then your workload will be less. Vedika was telling Shashi will be happy to help you and that he is worthy of this post. 

Ram- Mom, I've taken some measures. I have made Adi signing authority. Now I won't have to check everything. It will lessen my workload a lot. And why bother Shashi? He has his own business. He must be busy, no, Vedika? 

Vedika- Ha? Umm... ha. 

Vedika replied in hesitation. Nandini's face became dark. They were here to manipulate Ram but here Ram is manipulating them to agree with his decision. Nandini couldn't speak a word against him. 

Ram- Achha kia na Maine, Mom? Adi was with me for so long. He knows everything. I don't even have to train him like I would do with a new person. 

Nandini could do nothing but just nod. After talking for a few moments Nandini and Vedika took their leave. Nandini was fuming in anger. Ram was slipping from his hand and she could feel it. 

Vedika was frustrated. She could find no way to revive Shashi's career and business anymore. 

They sat in the car silently. After a few moments, Vedika spoke. 

Vedika- We should have talked to him earlier. 

Nandini- Do you think I didn't think that? But he was so occupied. He hardly has any time for his mom now. 

Vedika- And Shashi hardly have any time for me. 

Nandini- What do you mean?

Vedika- Only if I had agreed to marry Ram, perhaps things would be different. I wouldn't have to suffer and Ram would always be yours. I would never snatch him from you. 

Nandini- You mean Priya is snatching my son away from me?

Vedika- You will be a better judge of that. 

The rest of their journey was filled with silence while they tried to understand each other's motives. 


After Nandini's departure, Ram joined his friends. Adi informed him that Priya didn't pick up the call. So, Ram decided to go to her university. There he knew that Priya was in a meeting. So he had to drop the plan and went to lunch with his friends. He decided to inform Priya in the night. 

After lunch, Priya called Ram back. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, did you call me? I was in a meeting. Did you have your lunch? What did you eat? Did you eat junk food again?

Ram- Calm down Priya, So many questions at a time. Ha, I had my lunch and I ate ghee upma. Bas wahi khaya Maine. Adi ya Bri se puchlena. Cheat nahi kia bilkul. 

Priya- Ok. Good. 

Ram- Achha suno. When will you go home?

Priya- In the evening. 

Ram- Let's go home together then. Will you come to my office or should I go to yours? 

Priya took a few seconds to respond. 

Priya- Ok. I'll come to you.  

Ram- Ok, then I'll be waiting. Just come straight to my cabin, ok? You don't need to inform the receptionist or my PA.

Priya- But why will they let me enter if I don't introduce myself? 

Ram- Everyone knows you, Priya. 

Priya- How?

Ram- Areh, Hamara shaadi ka photo hain na mera cabin mein. Sab ne dekha hain. 

Priya was shocked to hear that. She didn't expect Ram to put their wedding photo in his cabin. 

Priya- You have kept our wedding photo in your cabin? 

Ram- Ha. I've kept photos of my whole family. And you are family too. 

Priya felt awkward. She didn't know why. She hurried to cut the call.

"Ok, Mr. Kapoor, Bye", she said. 

"Achha suno, I'll wait for you", he said. 

The call was cut by her. On either side were two souls with butterflies in their stomachs.  

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