It's A Date

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Bri excitedly starts to plan for Priya's date. She calls her friend to set a date with her brother, Nikhil. They agree. The next day a dinner date was set. 

Bri makes Priya and Nikhil exchange their phone numbers. Nikhil suggests a restaurant and Priya agrees to that. 

When Priya is getting ready for the date, everyone in Sood house is gleaming with joy. Sara and Sandy try to adorn Priya with this and that. But Priya turns them down. She puts on her most simple set. 

Maitri is also very excited. She hasn't come to Sood house as she knows seeing her will bring Priya's mood down. 

It has been 3 yrs since Maitri married Neeraj. At first, Maitri was blunt about it. She'd come home with Neeraj, blatantly show off her ring, diamond-studded mangal sutra, and all the other signs and perks of marriage. But slowly she could see it. How hurt Priya was. Priya never really said anything to her. But the changes in her character and attitude became evident to Maitri. Priya wasn't bitter towards her, but her Pri di became bitter towards herself, towards her own life. 

And one day Maitri found herself guilty. At the moment of realization, Maitri felt this crippling guilt inside her. She found herself to be like Mahendra Sood. Just like Mahendra Sood, she had done a similar crime. The crime of breaking trust. 

She broke her beloved Pri di's trust, she betrayed her. Maitri wanted to repent. She wanted to help Priya to move on with her life, to find someone, to marry, to have a life of her own......

Maitri is instructing Sandy on what to do, what not to do, and how to make their Pri di look her best....

Priya listens to some of their advice like keeping her hair open and wearing a pair of earrings. But mostly ignores them and sets out for the date. 

After Priya leaves the house, Mahendra Sood enters the house to collect the profit from the bakery. 

MS- Where is Priya going at this hour? 

Meera- She has gone to meet someone. 

MS- Meet someone? Are you trying to marry her off? 

Meera- Yes.

Mahendra- [smirking] Who'll marry that girl? She'll always be a headache to a man. With her bitter attitude, rudeness, and harsh words no one will marry her. 

Meera listens to everything without a sound. 

MS- By the way, where are they meeting? 

Meera- Alfresco.

MS- hmm. Achha, give me my share. I don't have a lot of time to waste with you. 

Sara hands him the money. Mahendra Sood then decides to go after Priya. 

Priya reaches the spot early. After waiting for a good thirty minutes, Nikhil arrives. 

Nikhil- Priya? 

Priya- Yes. Nikhil? 

Nikhil- Yeah, Nice to meet you. 

Priya- Nice to meet you too. 

Nikhil- So I am late, ha? Actually, there was so much traffic. My car was stuck. Weren't you? 

Priya- No, I came by cab. When there was traffic I got off, walked for a bit, and took another later. 

Nikhil- You walked! It rained today. 

Priya- So? 

Nikhil- There's so much chaos, dirt, mud.... How could you? 

Priya- Chaos, dirt, and mud are inevitable parts of city life. For that, I can't stop my life. 

Nikhil- Ok, whatever. Let's order food. Waiter. 

Both of them order food. After ordering Nikhil starts commenting on Priya's order. 

Nikhil- You eat a lot. 

Priya- Sorry!

Nikhil- Look if something happens between us you need to work on yourself. Look at the girls here. How they maintain their figure. You also have to put in some effort, ok? Girls should look hot in the arms of men. 

Priya keeps quiet as feels abhorred by the way Nikhil was gawking at the women there.

Nikhil- So, let me introduce myself. I work in a private company with a really high salary. I guess you are a teacher, right? 

Priya- Yes. I am a professor at...

Nikhil- Whatever it is I don't care. You have to leave your job after marriage, ok?

Priya- What? Why should I? 

Nikhil- Look, I earn enough money to feed my wife. I just need a wife who will look after me, cook for me, and clean my house that's it.  

Priya- What you need is a servant, not a life partner. What about your partner's goals and dreams? Doesn't that matter to you?

Nikhil- That's the problem with modern women. They have "goals and dreams". Women's goals and dreams should be pleasing their husbands and taking care of the family. And men's duty is to protect and provide. Thus a family sustains. 

Priya- There are actually several studies that show when women earn children life and family conditions improve. It is necessary for every citizen to become self-sufficient, and this helps in developing the country. Also, a woman may want to financially support her parents and siblings and to do that she must earn. Not to mention the mental peace and satisfaction that comes with self-sufficiency. 

Nikhil- You talk too much. That's the problem with aged girls. I shouldn't have come to meet you. 

Priya- Exactly! That's the problem with aged girls. They are intellectual, more mature, and wise. They can see through your misogynist soul. You reduce the role of a woman to cooking, cleaning, and pleasing the man. You prefer their figure to personality. You look at them with your lust-filled eyes. You refuse to acknowledge their goals and dreams. You don't know how to respect them as human beings. 
I shouldn't have come to meet you. Good day to you, sir. 

Saying this Priya leaves that place. 

When she was about to get out of the building Mahendra Sood comes in front of her. 

MS- That was one hell of a date. I expected this from you. With your attitude and filthy mouth, you will get no guy. Listen to me, try to settle down with what you get. Don't scold every man you meet and reject them. With your ugly face and increasing age, I don't how that good man even agreed to meet you. I'll give you some free advice. Go tell your maa to find an old divorcee or widower for you. Those will be the perfect match for you. And if that guy has a hearing problem marry him with your eyes closed. Only then you will have a family. Otherwise, your sharp words will kill your husband. 

Saying this Mahendra Sood leaves. Priya listens to him quietly. She doesn't want to fight with him now. Not here. She doesn't want to create another scene here. She starts to feel this resentment toward herself, why did she agree to this in the first place? She is about to start blaming herself but her mind diverts toward a text. 

It is Ram and the text is, 

"How is the date?"

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