Dumb Move

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Priya watches the beautiful dawn of the day. The first rays of the sun fall on her as she takes an important decision. 

She stands up from the chair and starts to get ready for the day. 

She meets Ram at the decided place at the decided time. Ram gives a shy and awkward smile. She reciprocates that with a confident smile. 

Ram- Hi. How are you today? 

Priya- Fine. You? 

Ram- [Smiling] Couldn't sleep last night. 

Priya- Oh. 

Ram- Let's sit over there and talk. 

As usual, Ram pulls a chair for her. But Priya pulls her own chair and sits. Ram finds it a bit awkward but given that it's Priya, he doesn't ponder over this. He sits on the chair he has pulled.

Ram- So, you wanted to talk about... 

Priya- Your proposal. 

Ram- Oh. So, what's your decision? Before you say anything, I wanted to say something. May I? 

Priya- Of course. 

Ram- Look, Priya, I gave you the proposal cause it will make everyone happy around us. Our friends and families. But I don't want you to agree to this under any pressure. Please say yes only if you think this will make you happy. Only if you are happy in our families' happiness like me. 

Priya- Hmm.

Ram- So, what is your decision?

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, I have decided to say, no. 

Ram- No? Oh... Ok. 

Ram tries to say ok in a normal voice. His face becomes gloomy for a reason unknown to himself. 

Priya- Yeah. Mr. Kapoor, I thought a lot last night. And I think it will be a really dumb move for us to marry. 

Ram- Dumb move? Why? 

 Priya- Because of our class difference. Already Akki is gonna marry into your family, if his sister decides to do that too, society will level us as gold diggers. That won't be good for our reputation. We are from a middle-class family, Mr. Kapoor. Our reputation is everything to us. Also, I have another sister to marry off. It won't be a good tag to carry around. 

Ram- I respect your decision. But just because of that, Priya? Just because of what people will think? It is not that important you know. 

Priya- It is important, at least for us. 

Ram- Ok. Your decision will be final in this matter. Then I will let everyone know about this. 

Priya- Thank you for understanding. 

Ram- Ok, then no to life partners. But yes to friends? Now, please don't say that you have some problem with friendship too. 

Priya- I don't have any problem with friendship but it is quite childish, no? 

Ram- You know what you feel like? A senior citizen. 

Priya- I am absolutely not a senior citizen. 

Ram- [smiling] But lagti ho. 

Priya- And you feel like a hopeless teenager. 

Ram- That I am. So... I am going to remain stuck on 3rd stage forever, huh? 

Both of them laugh a bit at this. 

Priya- By the way, mama mami is coming today. We will like to take the marriage proposal to your house the day after tomorrow. Will that be convenient? 

Ram- Ok. I'll tell Tarun to take preparations. When will you come? 

Priya- We haven't decided yet. 

Ram- Ok. Then text me later. 

Priya- I will. 

They bid adieu to each other and part ways. 

Ram informs Shivi and Nandini about Akki being ready to marry. Shivi becomes happy and Nandini heaves a sigh of relief. She definitely doesn't want Ram to get married and have his own family. That won't do her any good, financially. Ram also informs his friends. Bri becomes way too sad at the news. Others swear to find another girl suitable for him. The stark difference between his family's and his friend's reaction once again shows him how much his family values him. He once again smiles trying to hide his pain. 

Priya returns home and sits beside Meera's bed. Meera opens her eyes and looks at her tired face. 

Meera- You are home. Why do you look so tired, Priya? 

Priya- There was so much traffic, ma. And it is too hot outside today. 

Meera- O. Wait here. I'll bring you nimbu pani. 

Priya- No, ma. I don't need it. Please stay, I need to tell you something. 

Meera- Tell me, Priya. 

Priya- Ma, I won't marry Mr. Kapoor. 

Meera's face become gloomy. This was her only hope. If Priya doesn't accept Ram, she'll never be able to marry her daughter off. She knows this a little too well. But she decides to support her daughter. 

Meera- As you like, Priya. I won't force you to do something that doesn't feel right to you. 

Priya- Thank you, ma. Thank you for understanding. 

Meera hugs her daughter, While Priya latches onto her mother trying to find some solace. 

She speaks in her mind,--

"I have taken the right decision, no ma? People would just talk too much. And marriage in a different class is bound to come with problems. We have very different lifestyles and different choices, and I have seen how rich people treat others. Mr. Kapoor may not find my lifestyle bad but many in his surroundings, his family will. And Shivi. She's going to live here. If I start to live the life she is supposed, will she be able to accept it happily? Won't it bother her? It of course will. And if my and Mr. Kapoor's relationship would face any problem in the future it would strain Akki and Shivi's relationship.
There are just too many cons than pros.
It will definitely be a dumb move."


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