Resolvement I

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Ram and Adi hear a commotion at the front door of Sood house. Upon getting closer they see Priya yelling at the cops. 

Priya- O! So, the Kapoors told you a story and you've believed it. But when we are trying to speak the truth you don't even want to be bothered by it? Wah! Are you cops or the bodyguards of the rich?  

Before the situation gets any worse Ram and Adi runs to the cops and tries to ease the situation. Ram tells the cop that it was a mistake. This is just another family matter. No crime has been done here. Listening to the reasoning the cops go away. But not without warning him. 

Ram then takes permission to go inside as he had something important to discuss. In the house, Ram asked Akki if he loves Shivi and wants to marry her. Akki responds "Of course. I love Shivi very much and I will be very lucky to have her as his life partner."

Ram feels at ease listening to him. But Priya becomes concerned. 

Priya- Akki, it's your life. You have the right to take every decision. But I'd say you should think twice before taking such a decision. In fact, you should have done that a long time ago before dating Shivi. 

Ram- What's the problem with you? They both love each other and want to spend their life together. Why are you making this complicated? 

Priya- I am not making anything complicated. If anything I am doing the exact opposite thing. Akki and Shivi are still young now. We have to guide them so that they don't take the wrong decision. Akki, Shivi grew up in a different environment. Are you sure you can take care of her properly? 

Akki- Sure, di. I'll try my best to give Shivi the life she deserves. I'll not try, I'll make sure to do that for her. Once I get a role I'll work hard to prove myself and build the life that Shivi deserves. 

Ram is relieved to hear it. He chides himself for almost starting an argument with Priya on this. 

Akki- But I have a condition. 

Priya tries to understand what Akki is talking about. Ram panics a bit. He asks, "What?"

Akki- The thing is, we weren't a well-off family to start with. Our studies would be halted a long ago if it wasn't for Pri di. She made sure that Maitri di, Sandy, and I get proper education and all the support that we need to build our careers. She sacrificed a lot in her life. She got a scholarship for Ph.D. at a prestigious university in America. But she declined the offer so that she can stay here and take care of us. Though I am her cousin, still she cared for me like a sibling. Or should I say more than a sibling? We three are like her three kids. For us, she hasn't even married in time. Growing up I've seen her struggles and made a promise to myself. I want to settle down after marrying her off to a good person who is worthy of her. 

Priya listened to Akki in a trance. Her scholarship. Her twenties flashed before her eyes. How excited she was to get the scholarship!

She can still remember the day like it happened yesterday. She always wanted to get a Ph.D. She wanted to be known as Dr. Priya Sood. When she got the result she ran to her maa to give her the news. But she stopped at the door from where she could hear Sara cry. Sara was crying to Meera saying she was pregnant. Priya was shocked to hear it. Meera was so angry and frustrated with Sara. Priya hardly had seen her in that state. Meera and Sara were crying together with no clue on how to handle the whole situation. From their conversation, Priya got to know that they were struggling to meet the month's end, with so many mouths to feed. 

Priya immediately knew what she had to do. She declined the offer. She decided to stay, get a job and support her family. She didn't tell the news to anyone. It was months later Akki got to see the letter. 

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