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Ram had just reached home that night when he got a call from Vedika. Vedika called him sobbing. She sounded distressed and helpless. Her words were unclear. Ram got to hear her location with much struggle. Nandini was in front of Ram. As soon as he cut the call Nandini asked him who it was. Ram told her everything. Nandini suggested that he should go. Ram was about to call Shashi but Nandini stopped him. 

Nandini- She called you, Ram. There must be a reason. Go to her. 

Ram- You should come too. I don't know in what situation she is. 

Ram took Nandini and told the driver to drive to the location Vedika told him about. On the way, he texted Priya who was unaware of the situation.  

"Priya, perhaps I'll be late. Vedika called me from an unknown place. She sounded distressed. Mom and I are going there."

Priya read the message. She felt a bit uneasy. But she chose to ignore it. She decided to finish her work and wait for Ram for dinner. 


Ram and Nandini reached to Vedika. She was all alone on the street. As soon as Ram went near her. She hugged him tightly. Ram was startled for a moment. Then he parted Vedika from him slowly and asked what had happened.

Vedika- Ram, Shashi has made an allegation against me. Not just against me, but also against you. Ever since I have left you and married him I have always supported him. I never deceived him. 

Ram- I know Vedika. I had no intention of coming in between you two. Listen, I will talk to Shashi and make him understand. I'll sort this out. 

Vedika- No, Ram. I won't return to that house. This marriage is over for me. 

Ram- Vedika...

Vedika- I won't go back. 

Ram- Vedika, no, just calm down. Ok? Just calm down. I'll... Let me drop you home. 

Vedika- No, Ram. I'm telling you, I won't go. I'll stay on the street. But I won't go back. You know what? Shashi is always rude to me. Perhaps he hasn't been able to forgive me yet because I used to love you. He feels so insecure that he vented out his anger on me today. I don't want to return to that hell. He has turned my life into hell, Ram. Please tell me what should I do. 

Nandini watched the whole situation carefully. An idea crossed her mind. She spoke up. 

Nandini- You'll come with us. We will support you. I know Ram and your relationship have ended. But still, you have another relationship with us. Your dad and Virendra were friends. You are not alone, ok? You will come with us to our place. Right, Ram? 

Ram was shocked hearing Nandini. He didn't know what to do. 

Vedika- But aunty, Priya? 

Nandini- Priya? 

Both of them looked at Ram with a question. Ram didn't know how Priya would actually react. But he didn't want anybody to think ill about her. So, with immense trust, he spoke.

Ram- Priya won't mind. 

Vedika- Why? Doesn't she know about our past?

Ram- Priya doesn't back out from helping people. She won't back out now. I know her. 


Nandini brought Vedika to Kapoor mansion. On the way they got drenched a bit as the rain started pouring before they could reach the car. Ram went to his room to talk to Priya as soon as possible. But she wasn't there. He asked the staff. One of them told him that she was in the kitchen. Ram was about to go to the kitchen when he saw Priya talking to Vedika in the corridor. Vedika was apologizing to Priya for arriving at Kapoor Mansion so late at night. She mentioned that Ram brought her here. 

Priya- I know. Mr. Kapoor told me. By the way, is everything alright between you and Shashi? 

Vedika was irritated knowing that Priya already knew. As the mention of Ram bringing her didn't bother Priya, she felt angry. 

Vedika- Priya, that's between me and Shashi. You know husband and wife matter. It should remain between us. 

Priya- Sorry, I didn't mean to interfere. I was just concerned. Anyway, please make yourself comfortable. And if you need anything please ask Tarun. 

Priya spoke like the lady of the house. Vedika didn't expect this from her. A middle-class girl and such natural elegance. This created a spark of jealousy in Vedika. As she always tried her best to maintain her elegance. But it easily flowed in Priya. 

Ram had seen this interaction from afar. He didn't like Vedika's tone. He was about to go after Priya. But Vedika's calling stopped him. Vedika walked to him.

Vedika- Ram, Priya seemed a bit angry, no? 

Ram- No, not at all. Why do you ask? 

Vedika- I mean... Does she even know about us? Have you told her yet? 

Ram- Vedika,  that's between me and Priya. You know husband and wife matter. It should remain between us, no? 

Vedika- Yes, of course, 

Vedika replied with a forced smile. Ram left her in the corridor to follow Priya. 

Ram followed Priya to their room. 

Ram- Priya, Priya, listen to me, please. 

Priya stood before him. 

Ram- Actually, I didn't want to bring her here. But she insisted that she wouldn't return to her house and then Mom. Mom insisted that we bring her here. I didn't know what to do. I needed to know your opinion. Are you okay, Priya? Are you okay with her being here? If you're not I'll try to do something. I won't keep her here at all. Are you comfortable? Are you okay with it?

Priya- No. 

Ram- Haa? No? You are not okay with it then. 

Priya- What did you think? Why would I be okay with it? 

Ram fumbled...

Priya- Yehi karti hain na saare biwiyaan? 

Priya chuckled. 

Ram- Ha?

Priya- Sorry, Mr. Kapoor. It was such a good opportunity. So I thought I should...

Priya laughed. 

Priya- By the way, I am a good actor, right? You looked so convinced.

Ram- I didn't understand. That was...

Priya- A little act... I'm fine with her living here. I don't mind. She's in trouble and I trust you.

Ram- Aisa koi karta hain kya yaar Priya? 

Priya- But it worked, na?

Ram- What worked? 

Priya- You didn't take your stress pill. 

Ram- Yeah, that's because I was concerned more about you. That you'll get hurt and then for that stress then this stress... I...

Priya- So, it worked. You didn't take any pills. 

Ram smiled looking at her. He walked to get closer to her. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, you are wet. Carpet!

Priya screamed. Ram backed out. 

Ram- Oh, yeah, yeah. The carpet shouldn't get wet. 

Priya- Please, change your clothes. Otherwise, you'll get ill. 

Ram ran to change his clothes as per Priya's instruction. 

Priya's happy expression changed into a melancholic one. She had shown that she was fine. But deep inside her crippling insecurities were troubling her. But she had decided to shut all the voices inside her head and trust Ram. 

"I trust you, Mr. Kapoor. And for my insecurities, I can't punish Vedika. She's caught up in a bad marriage. Where will she go so late at night? Mom did it upon thinking something. I don't want to impose my thoughts and preference on someone else."

Priya thought to herself. 

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