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Ram woke up from his sleep to find himself alone on the bed. He got down from the bed and searched for Priya around the room. She was nowhere to be found. Ram then inquired Tarun but to his dismay, Tarun also didn't know where Priya was. 

"Strange! Masterni has become Mr. India today."

Ram thought to himself. He dialed Priya's number. But Priya didn't pick up the phone. 

Ram was whining al by himself when Vedika stood in front of him. 

Vedika- Ram?

Ram- Hmm?

Vedika- What happened? Are you upset?

Ram- No, not at all. 

Vedika- Wo... I wanted to apologize... 

Vedika took a pause expecting Ram to stop her. But he didn't. The Ram she knew never let her apologize for anything. Vedika wasn't prepared for Ram's silence. She continued. 

Vedika- You had to go through much trouble for me... I'm... sorry

Ram- It's ok. But yes, Priya had to face much trouble. You should thank her. She saved you from a scandal. 

Vedika was fuming inside. But she nodded and smiled outside. 

Vedika- I'm so glad that she didn't misunderstand you.

Ram- Why would she?

Vedika- No, I mean. Women tend to be jealous, right? 

Ram- [smiling] Meri Priya sab se alag hain. 

Vedika- Hmm. I'm glad she's not upset with you. If any other woman was in her place they'd perhaps be upset and left.

Ram's smile disappeared. 

"What if..."

A negative thought came into his mind. 

Vedika- Let's have breakfast, Ram.

Ram- Umm. Excuse me. 

Ram skipped breakfast, got ready for the day, and went to Sood house. 

He felt anxious as he drove.

"No, no. She'd not leave me. Everything was just fine yesterday. Why would she? She must be busy. How busy can she be to not pick up my calls? Did I hurt her somehow? Bri was right. I really should stay away from Vedika, no matter what Priya says."


An excited Shivi opened the door for Ram in Sood house. She hugged him and screamed,


Her scream reminded Ram that it was his birthday. A sadness covered his mind. He forced a smile and thanked Shivi. Everybody in Sood house wished him. Ram thanked everyone. He touched Meera's feet seeking her blessings. Meera hugged him and patted him on the back. 

Meera- May you be happy and prosper. 

Ram- Thank you, Meera maa. 

Meera- Come and sit here. I made your favorite halwa today. Also Aloo ka paratha. 

Ram forgot everything else momentarily. He followed Meera, like a toddler following his mother, to the dining table. Meera fed him a spoonful of halwa. He relished it with joy. 

Ram- Mmm... It's so yummy! By the way, how did you all know? Priya...

Before Ram could complete his sentence Sandy screamed out loud. 

Sandy- Pri di? Pri di isn't here. She didn't tell us anything. Shivi vaabi did. 

Sandy earned a death glare from Sara and Meera for reacting out loud. Shivi tried to distract Ram's, who was about to analyze her behavior. 

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