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The alarm clock was ringing at 6 O'clock in the morning.

Priya opened her eyes slowly. Her hands moved to stop the alarm. Though the right hand successfully did that Priya couldn't move her left hand. She opened her eyes and realized the position she was in. 

Her head was leaned against Ram's chest. Ram was holding her left hand. His other hand was behind her, still supporting the hot water bag. Ram was sleeping in a half-lying position. 

To top it all, Priya's leg was over Ram's. Priya moved the leg as soon as she realized it. She felt awkward and shy. Her cheeks got hot and red. She tried to free her hand from Ram's clutch. And that effort woke Ram up. 

Ram- Hmm? Priya? Are you alright? Are you in pain? 

Ram started to ask tons of questions as soon as his eyes opened. Priya had decided to pretend to sleep. But Ram's worried inquiry forced her to face Ram. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, I am fine now. It doesn't hurt anymore. 

Ram- That's great. 

Ram replied being relaxed. He got up and yawned. Priya felt guilty looking at his red eyes. She could tell that he didn't sleep last night. 

Priya- I am sorry, Mr. Kapoor.

Ram- Huh? Why? 

Priya- You couldn't sleep last night properly because of me. 

Ram- Why are you apologizing for that? It was my duty to ease your pain. Aren't you my wife?...

Ram was speaking with concern in his voice. But Priya was thinking of something else.

"What happened to Mr. Kapoor? Why has he started to call me his wife? I mean, I am. But sounds so awkward. And he didn't call this before. At first, he only called me his friend. But now... What's wrong with him?"

Ram- Priya, Priya? Are you listening to me? Are you in pain again? 

Ram's voice broke the trail of her thought. 

Priya- Yeah, yeah. I am fine. I don't have that excruciating pain anymore. 

Ram- That's good then. You should eat now. You didn't have a proper dinner last night. 

Priya- Yeah, I am going to the kitchen. 

Ram- Why? Tarun hain na. What do you want to eat? Just tell him. He will make it. You don't need to cook in this situation. What if you feel sick again? 

Priya- Ok, I won't. I'll just instruct him. 

Ram- Ok. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor?

Ram- Ha, Priya? 

Priya- Thank you. For last night. I had a sound sleep. 

Ram- Ok. 

Priya was about to get up from the bed. 

Ram- Priya?

Priya- Ha?

Ram- Thank you. For that night, when I collapsed. I was saved. Thank you, for the next day. I felt relieved. Thank you, for every night. I don't have to eat alone anymore. Thank you for coming into my life. I don't feel alone and sad anymore. I owe you more thanks. So, let me pay in small installments, ok? You know what? I have to count those numerous events. So, it'll take some time. 

Priya looked at him with a bewildered look.

Ram- Priya, what happened? Don't look at me like that. I feel shy now. 

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