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Ram noticed Priya standing near the bar corner. Neeraj was waiting for Priya to be completely wasted before taking her to a room. But Ram arrived and spoilt their plan. 

Ram- Priya, you are here. I was searching for you. Come let's cut the cake. 

Priya- Who said cake? Mr. Kapoor, Shhhh... It's a surprise.

Priya kept a trembling finger on Ram's lips. Something felt off to Ram. 

Ram- Priya, are you ok? Did you drink?

Priya- Hmm. Lime soda. 

Priya replied with a smile. Ram took a good look at Priya. She was struggling to stand still. He instantly understood that Priya was drunk. He turned to the bartender.

Ram- What did you serve this lady? 

The bartender got scared just by looking at Ram. 

Bartender- Mojito, sir.

Ram- Did she order that? 

Priya- Nooo. I wanted lime soda. And I specifically mentioned it should be virgin. You know I can't handle 

Priya stammered while speaking. Ram understood that someone had spiked her drinks. He called Vikrant and told him to take the bartender to a room. He then proceeded to take Priya to their room. But Priya stopped him.

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, cake. We need to cut it. You need to see it. 

Ram- But you need rest now.

Priya- No, Mr. Kapoor. It's your birthday, Mr. Kapoor. Everybody is waiting for the cake. 

Priya opposed stubbornly. Ram took her to the cake. 

Priya- What is this? 

Ram- Cake, Priya.

Priya- I didn't bring this. I brought a surprise cake. 

Ram was already surprised. 

Ram- How many more surprises do you have for me? 

Priya started counting her fingers. 

Priya- Two more. 

Priya showed two different fingers from two hands after counting all ten. Ram couldn't but laugh at her antics.

Ram- Let's cut this one for now. I have things to do. 

Ram spoke with a stern face as he tried to tame his anger. Ram's squad drew everyone's attention and cut the cake together. Ram and Bri were holding Priya the whole time while they were cutting the cake. After some formalities, Ram told Adi and Bri to host the party and bid everybody goodbye after dinner. Bri asked Ram what had happened. To which Ram replied, 

"Something that shouldn't have."

He then took Priya to their room. He made her drink some water and made her lie down. He then closed the door from outside and went to the bartender. 

Vikrant was asking the bartender about the person who bribed him to spike the drink. The bartender was denying to have spiked the drink. Ram heard their conversation. He then dragged a chair and sat in front of the bartender. 

Ram- I hope you know who is in front of you right now. 

Bartender- [In fear] Yes sir. 

Ram- Very good. So now you have two options. The first option is you tell me everything there is to tell and I forgive you though you've committed a heinous crime. Or. The second option is I'll find out everything through CCTV footage, and ruin your life for what you did to my wife.  

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