Matchmaking II

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Priya leaves her mother's room in anger. 

She doesn't get it. How can a person be so optimistic? 

"All men are not the same"- That's what maa said. Priya gets what her mother wants to say. 

She wants to say every man is not like Mahendra Sood. Every man is not a cheat or abuser like Mahendra Sood. But surely every man is selfish. Selfish and self-centered. 

Mahendra Sood was selfish about his want for a boy. Neeraj was selfish about his want for a modern wife. Even if there's nothing to be selfish about, men create new scopes and opportunities to become egoists. 

Twinkle's husband Vikrant was selfish about his opinion. 

Every man is not a criminal. But every man is selfish. They want a doll-like wife. Beautiful, always smiling, obeying, one that bears a son. 

Priya stands before the mirror in her room. 

"I am not stylish, nobody will find me beautiful. I can't smile like an insane person all day long. What is there in life to be so happy? I can't obey a man in everything he thinks or says. I have my own thoughts & views. Why should I sacrifice them all just for satisfying a man's ego? I have no idea if God will bless me with a son or a daughter. In short, I'll never be able to give a man what he wants. Then why should I marry? And, anyway, no one can guarantee that a man won't cheat or abuse. This marriage, love, relationship- These things are not for me. I should live alone. And I'll be fine. I'll live this life all on my own. I don't need anyone."

The next morning, 

Brinda storms into Ram's office. 

Bri- Jaan, I need a photo of Priya. And you need to introduce me to Priya. How am I supposed to find a groom for her, if I don't know her? First, I have to know her likes and dislikes to find the suitable one, no? Without that how am I supposed to do anything? Jaan, say something..

Ram- Calm down, calm down. Take a deep breath. Drink some water. You said everything in such a hurry. I didn't understand a thing. Speak slowly. Give me the to-do list. 

Bri- Ok. Bring a picture of her & introduce me to her. I'll do the rest.

Ram- Ok let me go to Sood house today. Then I'll bring the picture and ask their permission to take you. Then tomorrow we can go. Oh! wait not tomorrow. I'll ask Priya when she'll be at home. We can go then. 

Bri- Ok, Ram. Bye. I've so many works to do. I'll go now. 

Ram- Bye, Bri. 

At the end of the day, after finishing all work, Ram calls Akki to know if they are at home and if he can come. Akki gladly invites him. 

Ram reaches Sood house around 9 pm. 

Akki- Ram vai, how are you? 

Ram- I'm fine. What about you? How was the audition? 

Akki- It went well. I think the result might be positive. 

Ram- Wow! That's great! and how is our Sandy, Sara di? How are you? 

Sandy and Sara smile and ask about Ram's health. After talking to them Ram goes to Meera. 

Ram- Meera auntie, how are you? [Ram takes her blessings.]

Meera- I am fine, Ram. How are you? 

Ram- I'm fine. Where is that Miss Khadus, auntie? She's still not home? 

Meera- Priya? She's in the bakery. She'll be here any moment. Listen, Ram, you'll have to join us for dinner, ok? I've prepared some food for you. Though I don't know your preferences. 

Ram- Auntie, about the food I prefer EVERYTHING! You can ask Shivi I never say no to food. Of course, I am in. 

While they are chatting, Priya comes home. 

Sara- Come, Priya. Did you close the bakery?

Priya- Yeah. [whispering into Sara's ear] Sara di, what's he doing here? 

Sara- I don't know. But maa invited him to join us for dinner. 

Priya scoffs. 

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