Welcome Home

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As Priya stepped into the house the warmth of love wrapped her like a cozy blanket. Ram's friends and Shivi were cheering for her. The staff showered her with flower petals just as Shivi wanted. Shivi was recording her and live-streaming it to Sood House. Nandini welcomes her. Priya toppled the jar full of rice and entered the mansion leaving Kumkum stained footprint on a white piece of cloth. It was Bri's idea so that they can keep her auspicious footprint forever. 

Ram looked at her footprint. He never thought that someone will walk into his life again. He feels a tinge of sadness as his parents couldn't see this moment. His eyes searched for a bit of happiness in Nandini's eyes. 

"Mom raised me as a kid. She knows how devastated I was after my breakup. Aren't you happy, mom? Even a little bit? Finally, I am starting my life afresh.", Ram thought to himself. 

Nandini- Welcome, Priya, welcome home. Now you are a part of our family. 

Mitu maami- So, don't feel any less than us though you are from a middle-class family.

Her last line pinched Ram. He knows how Priya takes pride in her self-esteem. He looks at Priya thinking about what has maami just said and how it would hurt her. 

Priya stands there being reassured about how just her insecurity about marrying into this family was. 

Nandini shoots Mitu a look of anger when she makes the inappropriate comment. 

Nandini- Vaabi, please bring the sweets from the kitchen. 

Mitu maami- Ha, Punnu, go and bring the sweets.

Nandini- You'll bring the sweets, vaabi. Thank you. 

Mitu goes to bring the sweets with annoyance. 

Shivi- Maami is so tacky! and so eww. Pri di, you don't need to pay any heed to her. 

Nandini- Pri di? She's your vaabi now, Shivi. You are still calling her Pri di?

Shivi- Wo... mom... vaabi sounds so uncool. It feels like Mitu maami. 

Nandini- Ok, take your Pri di to her room. Take some rest, Priya. You must be tired. 

Shivi takes Priya to the room. Mitu maami comes with sweets. 

Mitu maami- Areh, Priya has gone! Have I missed anything? 

Ram- You weren't here so nothing happened, maami. But please, don't taunt others. 

Ram speaks with a smile. Takes a sweet from the plate and goes to his room. His gang follows him. Mitu was about to say something but Nandini shushes her. 

Nandini thinks to herself, "Priya, no matter how many steps you take in this house, I will be the one to decide the limits of your steps."


Shivi- Pri di this is your room from now on. That's the closet, there's the bathroom, and that's the door to a balcony. Where are your clothes? 

Priya shows her the luggage Punnu brought to the room.

Shivi- Just this one? Ram vai takes two pieces of luggage even for a two days trip. He has only two hobbies- clothing and food. 

Priya listens to Shivi with a smile. 

Shivi- Do you know, why I chose to keep calling you di? Because you are like the sister I never had. You are ok with it, right? 

Priya- I love it. 

Shivi- Good. I am happy that you are here. You know what, Akki always wants you to be happy and smiling and now you are smiling. I am so happy. 

Shivi hugs Priya. Priya pats her head. Shivi reminds Priya of Sandy. She misses her sisters. Especially after Mitu maami's taunt the air of Kapoor mansion had started to feel heavy to her. She wanted to return to her house, to her own family. Shivi calmed the storm in her- the storm of rage and sadness. 

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