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Akki is dumbfounded by the pregnancy kit. 

Akki- What is this, baby? 

Shivi- "Baby"! "What is this"!! Don't you know what this is? 

Akki- No, baby, I really don't. What is this? 

Shivi- Akki yaar! You are unbelievable. This is a pregnancy kit. And it says I am pregnant. 

Akki can't believe his own ears. He starts to smile foolishly.

Akki- What?? You are pregnant? I am going to be a papa!!

Shivi- You are enjoying this? We are not even married! Why the hell are you happy? And why did you give that stupid condition? 

Akki- Baby, sorry to bother you. Please calm down. How can I not be happy? But I understand your turmoil. And I'm so sorry to put you in this situation. But know that I'll never do anything that hurts you. Let's go to the hospital, and check it with dr. then we can take a decision. 

Shivi- What about your stupid condition? 

Akki stays quiet for a while. Tears start to form in his eyes. 

Akki- [In a heavy voice] Shivi, you know how much Pri di mean to me. She has sacrificed her life for us. I wanted to do something for her. I wanted her to settle down. Probably, it's not about her but me. I feel guilty to be one of the reasons for what she had to make these sacrifices. And it'd give peace to see her settling down. 

Shivi holds his hands and puts her head on his shoulder. She can't feel what he is feeling. She doesn't understand why Akki feels guilty. But she can feel that her Akki is hurt. And that's enough for her to forget about herself. 

Unknown to them their conversation is not between them. Another pair of ears has relished these words. As Shivi & Akki try to sort out their lives, Mitu mami proceeds to spill the beans to Nandini in the most atrocious way. 

In Kapoor mansion, Nandini picks up her sister-in-law's phone with utter irritation. Not before ignoring it 5 times. 

Mitu mami- Areh Nandini, where were you? Why weren't you picking up the call? Everything is finished here I tell you. 

Nandini- Can you please stop your melodrama for once, vaabi? It's getting irritating. 

Mitu mami- Now my words are irritating you. What will you do when you will know the news? 

Nandini- What news? 

Mitu mami- Your daughter, Shivi is about to ruin you. 

Nandini- What are you talking about, vaabi? State clearly. 

Mitu mami- Shivi's PREGNANT.

Nandini- Whaat!!!

Mitu mami- Ha, Shivi's gonna ruin our reputation, name, fame everything, I tell you. 

Nandini becomes speechless. Her head spins. She cuts the call. She doesn't have it in her to ask who is the father. But in her mind, she actually knows who did this. Nandini can't think properly. What to do, what not to do, what to say to Ram. How to stop people from knowing this? 

Nandini takes the glass from her bedside table and gulps down the water. She decides to meet Shivi first. She needs to talk to Shivi. What is this mess she has created! 

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