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Ram decides to talk to Priya about this. He texts her. 

"Hi Priya, will you be free tomorrow?"

Priya was about to sleep when her phone chimed. She opens the text and reads it. She starts to ponder over the message. She sent a small reply


"I want to talk about ..." - Ram pauses here. Should he write their marriage? Will it enrage Priya again? That will be scary- Ram thinks to himself. He decides not to mention that now. 

"I want to talk about Akki and Shivi's marriage. Can we meet for dinner? "

"Ok. Where?"

"There's a restaurant near our office. I'll pick you up. At 8 pm?"

"No, I'll see to my own transport. Just send me the address."

"Ok. I'll send you the address."

Before keeping the phone aside Ram mimicks Priya, "No." And pops up two pills to sleep. 

Ram and Priya spend a busy day at their respective office. 

Ram reaches the place half an hour before Priya. His secretary already had booked a private cubicle for them. Ram made sure of that. He wanted to take precautions to face Priya's rage. 

Priya reaches the place at 7:50 pm. She finds Ram to pop up several pills altogether. Ram notices her when the waiter shows her the table as per instruction. 

Ram stands up from his seat and sits only after Priya takes her seat. Priya finds it a bit astonishing as no one had ever done that before for her. They both settle down in their seats and Priya starts the conversation. 

Priya- What was it that you wanted to talk about? 

Ram- Huh? Oh! haa. Marriage... Akki and Shivi's. 

Priya- Ok. What about that? 

Ram- Akki said yes to the marriage. 

Priya- I know that Akki told me that. 

Ram- Oh, haa. Let's order first. 

Ram tries to buy some time as he couldn't figure out how to start the talk. The waiter comes over and they place their order. 

Ram- You can order anything here. This is my favorite restaurant. They cook foods from every cuisine. What do you want to eat? 

Priya- [Looking at the waiter] Do you offer South Indian cuisine? 

Waiter- Yes, mam. 

Priya- Ok, I'll have Upma, with Ghee.

Ram- [mouthing] Upma. 

Waiter- Sir, we have already prepared for you as your secretary has ordered. 

Ram- Ok. 

Waiter leaves. 

Ram- That was my regular. I love food. And I order a lot. Aisa lagna nahin chahiye ki pet aur mann dono hi nahi vara, na?

Priya- Hmm. So, what else about their marriage? 

Ram- Muhurat? We have so much to plan right? Like when will it happen, where will it happen, and how will it happen. 

Priya- That should be decided by the parents, don't you think? 

Ram- Yeah, but what about Akki's audition? How was that? 

Priya- It was good. They called him for a final look test. 

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