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That night,

Ram & Priya both spent a sleepless night. 

Priya was thinking of several possible scenarios. While Ram was contemplating if his decision was correct. 

Priya was sitting on her balcony thinking of what the worst-case scenarios could be. 

"Mr. Kapoor could leave me like sir left my mother. But it seems he doesn't lie. His heart was also broken by someone. He understands the pain. But he still loves her. He doesn't seem to be a cunning and cruel man like sir. But quite the opposite- simple and soft. The way he was calling the foods by their name was weird, and his bad jokes- he's different... Friendship. He proposed to become friends and spend life together as friends. Isn't that enough? Love is for teens. I don't need love in my life. Just respect & friendship will be enough for me. No expectations, no disappointments. The deal doesn't sound that bad. Also, he has no issue with my looks or my dress like the others have. If I say yes, everybody's going to be so happy. Ma is going to be relieved. More than anyone I'm going to be relieved. I am tired. I can't take it anymore- the constant thoughts about what society will say, how we are going to marry Sandy off, what kind of sacrifices I'll have to make after marriage, what will be expected from me etc. etc.
If I say yes, I'll be able to leave these thoughts behind.
Should I say yes?
Should I talk to him once again?"


Ram was sitting in his office, thinking about the dinner. 

"Today she didn't yell at me. Actually, she doesn't yell if something doesn't go horribly wrong. I was wrong in understanding her. She's quite sensible and practical. If I marry her Akki's promise will be fulfilled. He will marry Shivi happily, not under some pressure. Bri will finally stop trying to set me up with weird girls. I'll have another friend probably. Probably, Shashi will stop feeling insecure. But will I ever be able to love her? I don't know. But will that be an issue? She said that love is not what she seeks. Perhaps we will just be really good friends. Or perhaps not. Perhaps we will live our own life separately in the same room. Will that be bad?
No, Akki will be happy, Shivi will be happy, mom will be happy, Bri will be happy, Meera auntie will be happy... What else do I need? Just Everyone around me should be happy.
Will Priya be happy though?
I don't want her to be pressurized to say yes.
Should I talk to her once again?"


With that thought, Ram picks up his phone to text Priya, and his phone chimes. It's a message from Priya. 

"Mr. Kapoor, can we meet again at lunch tomorrow?"

"Yes, of course. Where should we meet?"

"At the terrace? We'll be in the same building, right?"

"Ok. I'll be there at 1 pm."


Both of them keep their phone and starts to wait for the sunrise.  


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