New Beginning II

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Ram took the piece of kalera and went back to the room. Priya was sleeping on the bed. He lay down beside her trying to get some sleep.

At 3 pm, Priya woke up due to Ram's tossing and turning. She saw Ram profusely sweating.

Priya- I knew this would happen.

Priya kept an ice box and a fan beside him so that he could sleep in peace.

Ram woke up early in the morning. Priya was stirring in her sleep. As soon as he woke up, his gaze fell on the arrangement Priya made last night. He sat on the bed cluelessly. Priya woke up shortly after.

Ram- Priya, what is this? Why is there a fan and a water-filled bucket?

Priya- That was for you. You were sweating so much. I don't know why did you decide to stay. We could go to your house. Your Tarun could open the door for us. Did you sleep alright?

Ram- I couldn't sleep at first. But after some time I slept like a baby. Thank you, Priya.

Ram thanks her with a smile of gratitude. Priya reciprocates with a smile.


After taking a shower, Priya went to the kitchen to help Meera.

Meera- What are you wearing?

Priya- My clothes.

Meera- I've bought such a nice saree for you. Wait here.

Meera went to her room and came out with a few sarees for Priya.

Meera- Please, wear this one.

Priya- Mumma, you know I don't like to roam wearing a saree.

Meera- Yeah, I know. But just for today, just for me. Please.

Priya- Ok, fine.

She took the saree and went to her room.

Priya- Mr. Kapoor has gone inside 5 minutes ago. He won't come out before half an hour.

Thinking so, Priya proceeded to wear the saree. When she was about to tuck the pleates in, Ram came out of the shower.

Priya gasps and turns her back to Ram. Ram too looks in the opposite direction.

Ram- I haven't seen anything.

Priya- Why are you so fast today?

Ram- Because of the guilt trip from last night. Haven't I told you that I'd not spend such a long time in the shower?

Priya- Achha, achha. For a second I had forgotten that...

Ram- That we are married?

Priya nods a yes.

Ram- It's okay. It will take some time. All of this is so new to us.

Ram walks toward Priya while talking to her. His eyes get stuck on the sindoor on her forehead.

Priya- What are you staring at?

Ram- I was thinking. Seeing you like this, I'll never forget.

Priya- What?

Ram- That we are married.


Pawan and Punu were working in the kitchen when Shivi started calling every staff in the house. They all went to her.

Shivi- Why nobody woke me up? Where are Ram vai and Priya vabi?

Tarun informs her about the situation. She calms down and texts Ram to come quickly.

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