A New Morning

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The soft sunshine fell on her face. She twitched in his arms. She hid her eyes behind her hand and slowly opened her eyes. 

There he was. A man sculpted with precision, adorned with love, passion, care and concern. As he slept, his face bore an expression of serenity. His presence, even in the realm of dreams, exuded a quiet confidence, a promise that the morning sun would find him refreshed, ready to face the world with his striking charm.

Priya watched her Ram with admiration in her eyes. A smile appeared on her face. 

Last night's memory came alive in her mind. Shyness, peace, and love played hide and seek in her smile. She was about to get up but she found her hand in Ram's clutch. As Ram sensed a pull in his hand he pulled Priya back into his arms. Priya wasn't ready to face him at all. She quickly lay down and pretended to sleep. Ram opened his eyes in a few moments. His gaze fell on his Priya. The sunshine and rosy cheeks made her face look radiant more than ever. 

He gently removed the hair strands that blocked the view. He smiled remembering the antics his wife showed him last night. His heart pushed his gaze to fall on her lips. His lips itched to kiss hers. But he was hesitant as she was sleeping. 

He started to think about whether it'd be okay to kiss her and if she would mind if she would get angry about the nonconsensual kiss or not. 

When Ram was juggling the three possibilities while gawking at her lips, Priya was completely focused on how to avoid looking into the light green orbs of her husband. 

"Lagta hain phir se so gayein. Haat khich ke seedha bhaag lu kya!" Priya pondered. 

But she couldn't take a decision without any current information about the situation. So, she slightly opened her eyes to check Ram. But instead, she was caught red-handed by her husband who was waiting for her to wake up so that he could kiss her without any hesitation. 

Ram's eyes glistened up as he saw her open her eyes momentarily. But seeing her reaction he became confused. 

"Doesn't Priya want to look at me? Is she regretting last night? As we did all those without saying "I love you" to each other. Or is she still shy of me?" Hundreds of thoughts started clattering in his mind. 

He whispered in a low tone. 

Ram- I saw you. 

Priya rebuked herself for getting caught. Her cheeks were colored with the deepest shade of shyness. She slowly opened her alluring eyes. 

Ram- Are you feeling uncomfortable with me? 

Priya- NO! 

A hurried denial came from her. She didn't want Ram to get any wrong idea as she knew how much it hurt him to feel unwanted. 

Priya- I was just shy. 

She spoke in almost an inaudible voice while biting her lips. Ram felt assured. He smiled looking at her bitten lips and rosy cheeks. His smile brought an instant smile to her face too. 


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