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Bri- [Screaming] Raaaaaaam, I gave you one single task & you couldn't even do that properly. How am I gonna find a suitable boy for Priya in this way? 

Ram- Bri, Bri, calm down. Sorry yaar. I made a mistake. Please forgive me. 

Bri- What forgive, Ram? The guy I talked to wants a picture of Priya. What am I gonna show him today? What happened to you last night? How could you forget?

 Ram- Areh Bri, listen. You know, I was in a serious mood when I went there. But then Meera maa brought such delicious food to the table. And Akki, Sara di, and Sandy were talking so much. We were laughing and eating all together. Bri, you know, they always eat together, at least one meal per day. They were just so... Lovely! 

Bri is stunned. She is stunned to see the smile on Ram. It's not a new thing- Ram smiling. Ram always smiles. But it is a new kind of smile. Or is it an old kind of smile? The last time Bri saw the smile was when Ram's father was alive. How to explain it? Should she call it a peaceful smile? 

Ram's smile has always radiated peace among others. But this smile rather radiated his inner peace. Something that Bri couldn't see in Ram for a long time. 

Ram- [clapping] Hey Bri, where are you lost? Have you listened to me? 

Bri- [coming out of her stupor] Huh? Ha. I've heard. Everybody in Sood house eats together. 

Ram- What happened to you? I've said so many things after that.

Bri- You did? 

Ram- Of course. I made a huge plan. 

Bri- Sorry Jaan. 

Ram- Anyway. Tell me if you are free this evening.

Bri- Yeah. I'm free. 

Ram- Ok, then. I'm taking you to Sood house to meet Priya. 

Bri- [Excitingly] To Sood house? 

Ram- Yeah, where else? 

Bri- [In her mind] I'll surely go jaan. I want to see the place which gave you so much love and peace. 

In Kapoor mansion, 

Shivi was sitting with a grim face. In front of her was lying that pregnancy kit, with two lines on it. 

After coming out of her stupor she took her bag, collected the kit, and left the house in a hurry. 

While leaving the house she clashed with Mitu mami. 

Mitu mami- Ouch! Shivi. Can't you watch before walking?

 Shivi didn't answer anything but left. Mitu mami felt suspicious of her act. 

Mitu mami made a mental note to mention this to Nandini. 

Shivi meets Akki in front of the gym. Akki comes to hug her and greet her. But Shivi throws the kit on his face. 

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