A Hope

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The next morning Ram wakes up on the alarm. Before even opening his eyes he feels this sharp pain in his left shoulder. He opens his eyes only to find the photo in his hand. He finds himself in a half-lying position, resting his head on his left hand. 

"How did I sleep in this position?", Ram thinks to himself, "Priya's photo! Are! I haven't even taken my medicines."

Before he can get a grasp of reality, he hears knocks on his door. Hurriedly he hides Priya's photo under a pillow without thinking much. Nandini opens the door. 

Ram- Mom, you, so early in the morning? You should have asked for me, I would go to your room. 

Nandini- [with a smile] No it's okay Ram. Actually, I wanted to talk to you last night. But you came pretty late last night. So, I thought you needed rest and didn't disturb you last night. And I thought to have a discussion with you first thing in the morning.

Ram- Thanks, mom. Is it something serious?

Nandini- No, not serious. It's just.... How is Akki? 

Ram- He's fine. Today he has an audition for a big-budget film. He has worked really hard to get a chance. He will do well. I hope he gets the role, he deserves it. 

Nandini is getting impatient. She has no interest in this Akki's career. At this point, once Shivi marries him, Nandini plans to force him into being a businessman. 

Nandini- Oh that's great. And how is his sister? 

Ram- Which sister?

Nandini- That unmarried one. 

Nandini says it in a disturbed voice. Ram doesn't like how Priya is addressed. 

Ram- [In a low and soft tone] Priya, mom.... Priya is fine. 

Nandini- What about her marriage? Did they find a guy? 

Ram- Not yet. They are looking for one. Bri & Adi are also trying to find someone. It will take some time. 

Nandini- We can't wait any longer. Shivi needs to get married, ok? A few days ago we invited so many people and now...... People will talk, Ram.

Ram- Yeah, mom. I understand. I'll try to find someone soon.

Nandini- Why is it taking so much time, Ram? There are so many unmarried guys out there. 

Ram- But we can't pick up a random guy, can we mom? It's about Priya's life. 

Nandini- Whatever. 

Nandini leaves Ram's room. Ram can understand his mom's situation. But what can he do here? All he can do is make several copies of the photo and recruit all of his friends for this task. 

"Anyway, she has such a pretty face, anyone will like her", Ram thinks to himself. "It's her attitude that concerns me." 

Ram- Oof! This stress. I need to eat. [In a loud voice] Tarun, where are my croissant and coffee? 

In Sood house, 

Priya comes out of her, all prepared to go to work. She has her breakfast with everybody in the family. After breakfast, she goes to Meera. She thinks of saying many things. She thinks of saying her decision, the reason behind her decision, and she thinks of saying she doesn't want to be the reason for her maa's stress. She thinks of opening up to her maa. But years of practice of shutting herself down presents itself as a lump in her throat. All she could say was,

"Maa, I'm ready to meet someone."

That's it. Meera's face immediately brightens up. She kisses her daughter's forehead and hugs her. Finally, Priya agreed to meet someone, this is more than enough for her. 

Sara was washing the dishes near them. She takes a moment to understand what Priya said. And soon she comes to hug Priya screaming her name. She forgets about the soap and water in her hands and holds Priya with those hands. 

Sandy comes in running excitedly. 

Sandy- What happened? Fill me up. I wanna know. 

Sara- Priya has said yes to marriage!!

Sandy- Yaaaa, Pri di's getting married. 

Priya- Guys, calm down. I haven't said, "yes to marriage". I've said I'm ready to meet someone. 

Meera- That's more than enough for us. 

They all share a hug. Priya feels the warmth of love and smiles.

Priya thinks to herself, "My family is so happy from this small decision. Bas! I don't want anything else."

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