It's a Yes!

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Priya is looking at the text she just sent. 

"Now my life's going to change completely. A new home, new family, new people... Will I be able to manage everything? What'd be expected of me? I have to inform maa and Sara di. Will this affect Shivi and Akki now?"

Thousands of thoughts start to cloud her mind. A frown starts to appear on her forehead and suddenly her phone chimes. 

"Thank you, teacher."


"Ha. Shadi ki stages pass karwa diya na tumne. Mein to latak raha tha 2 aur 3 ke beech. 🤣"

Priya chuckles at the message. 

"Such a bad joke, Mr. Kapoor."

"Aab tumhe jhelni hain yeh for the rest of your life. My condolences."

"Thank you."

She keeps the phone on her bed. Unknown to her, the thousands of thoughts stopped clouding her mind. She goes to Meera's room and calls her. 

Priya- Maa, are you sleeping? 

Meera- No, Priya. Come. Sit beside me. 

Priya sits beside her. 

Meera- Do you want to say something?

Priya- Maa, Mr. Kapoor asked about my decision regarding the proposal today.

Meera- What did you say? 

Meera's eyes glisten with hope. 

Priya- I've said yes. I've decided to marry him. 

Meera's eyes well up. She can't believe her ears. She hugs Priya and kisses her forehead. 

Meera- You've taken the right decision. Ram is a good human being. I'm so happy today. 

Priya smiles. This is all she wanted. To make her mother happy.
Meera calls Sara and informs her about it. Sara becomes all excited and happy. She hugs Priya and kisses her. They come outside of the room and inform everyone. Sandy starts jumping. Akki starts to cry. They all hug Priya. Mama and mami also hug her later and congratulate her. Sandy calls Maitri to inform her. Mairi squeals with delight. Maitri feels relieved. Her eyes well up. The guilt of destroying the life and happiness of a beloved sister has always pricked her. She hangs up the phone. Tears of joy fall down from her eyes. 

Shivi- Ram vai, I am talking to you about such an important topic and you are smiling at your phone! You don't care about me at all. 

Ram- Shivi, shivi, come down bachhe. And have a look. 

Ram shows her Priya's text. 

Shivi- Yes? Yes to what? 

Ram- Yes to the proposal. 

Shivi- OMG, vai, vai, I am so happy. 

Shivi jumps and twirls in happiness before hugging Ram. 

Shivi- I'm going to inform everyone. 

She calls Bri to inform her first and then goes to inform Nandini. 

Bri couldn't believe her ears. She calls Sara and Ram to be reassured. After confirming from both sides she runs to Adi. 

Bri- Adi, Adi, Priya said yes!

Adi- What? Ram's going to marry? 

Bri- Yes! I can't believe it. Pinch me. 

Adi- Baby, you should pinch me first. 

Bri- Finally, Ram is going to move on. I am so happy. 

They both hug each other in happiness. 

Ram and Priya's decision delighted everyone in both families but Nandini, Shubhu, Meetu mami, and mama. 

Nandini's face becomes pale as she hears about their decision. Shivi excitedly starts to plan what she's gonna do at Ram's wedding walking across the room while Nandini sits there in shock and disbelief. She knows she can't call off the wedding as she was the one who proposed this match in the first place.  

When Shivi asks about her pale face she just lies about having a headache and shows fake excitement. She thinks to make Ram reconsider his decision using his feelings for Vedika. As she has always done. 

Since Vedika left him, Nandini meticulously used Ram's feelings for Vedika to assure that he never moves on. Thus ensuring that he stays a bachelor for the rest of his life. She proceeds to do that once again. 

Ram was sitting on his bed talking to his parents about the changes that are gonna come in his life when he heard a knock on the door. 

Ram recognizes the knock a bit too well. He gets up to welcome Nandini into his room. 

Ram- Mom, you should have called me. Takleef kyun ki apne?

Nandini- I had to. Congratulations Ram. I am so happy for you.

Ram- Thank you, mom. 

Nandini- I can't believe finally you are over Vedika and ready to move on. You were so deeply in love with her.  

Ram- That was ages ago, mom. Everything is changed now. Vedika is Shashi's wife now. 

Nandini- Yeah, of course, of course. But to be very honest Ram, I didn't think you'd be able to stop loving her. But I am very happy that you could finally. 

Ram- I had to stop... Also, Shashi feels insecure because of that past of ours. So, please, mom, it'll be better for everyone if we don't mention the past again. 

Nandini- Oo. Is that so? Then you won't hear it from me ever again. 

Ram- Thank you, mom. I appreciate it. 

Nandini bids Ram goodnight and leaves. She thinks to herself,

"What excellent news, Ram! I'll make sure I use it in proper time."

Nandini smirks and goes to her room. 

Shivi is calling Akki for the 10th time now. But she's finding it busy. Finally, Akki picks up. 

"I was trying for so long."

- Both of them say at the same time. 

They laugh about it. 

Akki- Shivi, Priya di said yes. 

Shivi- Yeah, finally. Are you happy? 

Akki- I am sooo happy.

Shivi- All thanks to me. Do you know how I sat with both of them and lectured them for hours? Phew! I put in so much effort. 

Akki- You did? I'm so proud of you. 

Shivi- Thank you, thank you. 

In Sood house, nobody could sleep the whole night out of excitement. Sara, Sandy, and Akki started planning Priya's wedding right there. Meera prayed before God.

Priya felt contented to see the happiness of her family. 

"This is all I've ever wanted", she thinks. 

In Kapoor mansion, Ram's friends were expressing their happiness to Ram through a video call. Shivi also joined in the conversation. She was sitting on the armrest of the Sofa where Ram was. In front of them on the laptop screen, 4 overjoyed people were basically jumping in happiness. 

"This happiness is the most precious for me. They won't let me sleep today. Priya must be in this exact position."

He picks up his phone and texts her. 

"Are you sleeping?"

Priya replies promptly. 

"I'm in no position to sleep. Overjoyed jumping homo sapiens everywhere."

"Homo what?"

"Humans. You don't know the scientific name for human beings?"

"😅 Biology isn't my strongest forte. "

"I get it. Cracking bad joke is your department."

Both smiles looking at their screens. 

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