A Deal

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In the afternoon, Ram drove Priya to Goregaon. 

At first, they attended the meeting. Meera scolded Priya for coming to the meeting in such a weak state. Priya tried to explain that she was fine then. But Ram supported Meera. Meera gave a good lecture to Priya on taking care of herself. 

After the meeting, Meera took Ram and Priya with her to Sood house. Shivi became extremely happy to see Ram. They gossiped a lot and then started to make a business plan for Shivi. When everyone was busy in the drawing room. Priya took Sara to a room to discuss Mahendra Sood's matter. Sara told her about Mahendra Sood's threats. 

Sara- We have the documents of the bakery. So we won't face any problem with that. But we don't have the document of the house. Mumma told me that this house was given to her as a divorce alimony. But sir is completely denying the fact. 

Priya- Does he want us to go to the court now? If this is what he wants, this is what he'll get. We can file a case against him for blackmailing and not paying alimony. 

Sara- Are you sure? 

Priya- Of course. We will never surrender to him. And rest assured, Saradi, we won't lose this house. 

Sara- Thanks, Priya. I don't know what'd I do without you. My mind went totally blank after listening to him. I know you are sick. I was about to go to your varsity to talk to you. But then Sandy informed me that you are attending the meeting so I thought I'll meet you at home. By the way, how are you now? 

Priya- For the hundredth time, Saradi. I'm not sick anymore. Why all of you are acting like Mr. Kapoor? 

Sara- Ram? What has he done now?

Priya- He has declared me to be officially sick. He wanted me to stay at home today all day long. Now that I have come outside of the house he has been giving me rides everywhere. He even sent an all-watery weird lunch for me. I mean, I don't have diarrhea. It was just dehydration due to fasting. But he's making such a big deal out of it. 

Sara- That's good, na? He's taking care of you. 

Priya- Par mujhe aadat nahi hain na, Saradi. I'm scared. 

Sara- Of what?

Priya- Of being habituated to it. What if he stops or worse, he leaves someday? 

Sara- Priya, everyone is not Mahendra Sood or Neeraj. Ram can't even stand them. Specially Neeraj. Ram can't stand him at all.

Priya- Yes and Mr. Kapoor is absolutely right. 

Ram- Oh ho! Matlab dhanya ho gaya mein. Mera kaan taras gaya tha ye sunne ke liye. My God! 

Ram entered the room declaring his presence. Priya was shocked by hearing Ram's voice. 

Ram- By the way, hi Saradi. You look so beautiful today. 

Sara- Thank you. 

Ram- What were you talking about? 

Sara- Wo...

Priya- Nothing much. 

Ram- Areh! You praising me is a once-in-a-blue-moon event. I have every right to know what I was being praised for. 

Sara- Priya was praising you for the lunch you sent her. She wanted to thank you.

Ram- Oo, so you liked that. You didn't tell me in the car.

Priya- Sarangi, are you done talking?

Sara- Don't call me that. 

Ram- Ek second. Who's this Sarangi? 

Priya- Saradi ki pura naam hain yeh.

Ram- Sarangi? Meera maa couldn't name her that. Mahendra Sood? 

Sara- Ha. He named me.

Ram- That means I was right? 

Sara- Ha.

Ram- Woo hoo!

Ram and Sara gave each other a high five. 

Priya- Koi game chal raha hain kya?

Ram- No, but even if it was a game, I won it, na?

Sara- Ram, do me a favor. Don't let Priya name your kids. 

Ram- Ha, all the good works will be done by me. 

Sara- And what will she do? 

Ram- [Laughing] She will scold them. 

Priya- Hamare bachhe ho gayein, Mr. Kapoor? 

Ram- Nahi, honge na? 

Priya became shy and awkward listening to Ram. She glared at him. After getting that glare, Ram understood that he crossed a line. Sara was having fun teasing both of them and looking at their awkward faces. 

Ram- That was a joke. Sara di and I are laughing. You can too. 

Meera called everyone to have dinner. Ram and Priya ran to her to get rid of that awkward situation. 

Everyone had dinner together. After dinner, Meera told Ram to stay for the night with Priya. But Priya told her that he won't be able to sleep without Ram. Ram disagreed saying it was not that hot that night. Priya asked him how would he manage clothes. In reply, Ram informed her that he sent some of his clothes with Shivi as it was his in-laws too. Shivi testified. 

Everybody sat for another round of gossip but Sara and Priya. They sat with the legal documents. Priya was trying to contact a colleague of hers whose wife was a lawyer. 

After the gossip session, the younger ones went to sleep. Ram tucked Meera into bed. He then sat near Priya to see what they were doing. 

Priya- What are you doing here? Won't you sleep? 

Ram- Wow! You read my mind. So what are you doing here? Tell me. 

Priya- Nothing. 

Ram- I had no idea you can do nothing with so many papers. Documents of bakery, documents of loan and...

Ram was watching those papers when a divorce paper caught his eye. Priya promptly put everything under a file. 

Ram- Divorce paper? Priya? 

Sara- That's mumma's. Sir divorced her. It's those papers. 

Ram- Is there any problem, Sara di. You tell me. Cause Priya won't. I know that. 

Sara looked at Priya for her permission. Priya signaled her not to share. 

Ram- Why are you stopping Sara di?

Priya looked at Ram. She didn't expect to get caught. 

Ram- I know you are hyper-independent but you should also know that I am an expert in legal documents. Clearly, you are in some legal problem, and being your friend I should and will help you. 

After this reasoning, Priya surrendered. She explained everything to Ram. Ram became shocked. To this date, he had only known Mahendra Sood as a misogynist who left his family just because God blessed him with four daughters. But Ram didn't have any idea to which extent this man could go for money and his ego. Ram wanted to contact his lawyer. But Priya was adamant to receive the least amount of help from Ram. So, she contacted her colleague's wife, Advocate Aarohi Gupta. Ram had to surrender in this matter as she already had talked to her colleague beforehand.

Ram- But I am gonna stand with you in this fight. You can't push me away. 

Priya- I won't push you away if you don't force me to take favors. 

Ram- I won't force you but I will offer favors. And stop calling it favors. I will just help my friend when needed. Deal? 

Priya- Ok, deal. 

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