Quarrel I

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Ram- You don't know me? 

Adi- You don't know him? 

Priya- No, I don't. People ask you for your introduction when they don't know you. Is this news to you? What are you? Nursery kids? 

Ram becomes more baffled. 

He stammers and says, "I am Ram Kapoor, industrialist. Shivi's brother, the girl, whom you, sorry, Akshay Mehta has kidnapped."

Priya- Kidnapped? Do you even know the meaning of kidnapping? Does she look like a kid to you? That we will lure her with some chocolates and she will just come with us? She came here all on her own. 

Ram- Shivi, what is this lady saying, bacchi? You came here on your own? 

Shivi- Umm, that....

Priya- Yeah. What else could she have done? How could she stay with her family when she was being tortured? All the rich people are like you, no? You don't see anything beyond money. You didn't bother to check with your sister. You just decided to marry her off to some guy who has tons of money. 

Ram- E..excuse me, mam. What's your name? 

Akki- Priya Sood.

Ram- Priya Sood. Ok, so miss Priya Sood, what are you saying? I torture my Shivi? 

Adi- Watch your language, ha? Ram can never do this to Shivi. 

Priya- And I can never tell a lie. Shivi told me herself. Shivi, come here. You don't need to be afraid of them. You are under my protection now. 

Ram- Shivi, Bacchi, you've told her that? 

Priya- Why are you asking her? I shouldn't let you talk to her. I should call the police for abusing her. 

Ram- Whaat?!! One second, please. My head is spinning, Adi, where are my pills? 

Adi- Which one's Ram? 

Ram- Give me all 5 of them. 

Priya- 5 pills! at a time! Akki, Shivi was right. There's something wrong with these people. They are crazy people. 

Ram- Excuse me, miss. There's nothing wrong with me. See, these are very important pills. 

Ram takes 5 of them on his palm and proceeds to show them to Priya. 

Ram- Look. This one's for anxiety, this one's for stress, one for congestion, one vitamin C, and this one for allergy. I need them, ok? Now if you don't mind, can I get some water? 

Meera- Sandy, bring some water for Ram. 

Sandy goes to bring water. 

Ram- Don't you have AC in your house? 

Priya- No, we don't. Do you know how harmful AC is to the world? It increases global warming. The rich enjoy the cooling while the poor pay for it with their sweat. 

Ram- What's your problem yaar? A lecture is always ready on any sentence, any topic. 

Priya- I am not giving any lectures. Just stating the truth. Why? Truth sounds bitter, ha? Even earlier you couldn't tolerate Shivi's truth. 

Ram- About Shivi, yeah we are coming to the point. Ask Shivi. Shivi, tell her who tortures you in the house. She's our kid sister. Who'll torture her there? 

Meanwhile, Sandy comes with water and hands it to Ram. 

Ram gulps down all the medicines at once. Priya stares at him shockingly. 

Ram- (looking at Sandy)  Ah! Was that water filtered? If not please tell me, I need to take my antibiotic. 

Priya- That was boiled. It's better than filtered....

Ram- Now please don't give another lecture on this topic. 

Priya - Areh! Now you'll insult me in my own house!!

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