With Me

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Ram kept looking at Priya for the slightest movement without a twitch. As the morning arrived sun rays fell on her. Ram became aware of his surroundings. He got up and pulled the curtains. 

Suddenly his phone rang. It was from the inspector who was handling Anjali's case. Ram picked up the phone and went outside of the cabin. The police informed him that they found out who was blackmailing Anjali. It was Vedika. 

As soon as Ram heard the name he remembered the moment when he saw Priya for the last time. All well. She was radiating in the yellow attire. She bade him goodbye with a smiling face. And the next moment they met was the cursed moment of the accident. 

Ram fumed in anger. His tears started to flow. Tears of frustration, anger, and fear of losing his Priya. He told the inspector to arrest her and cut the call. 

Adi and Bri arrived at the hospital with Tarun. Adi and Bri left to bring breakfast for Ram and the Sood family. Shivi and Akshay also came to see Priya. Akshay was struggling to watch Priya in that state. Shivi supported him. 

Ram told them about Vedika. He told him to handle things in the hospital and decided to go to the police station. Shivi got infuriated. She started yelling in the hospital. Akshay tried to calm her down. 

Shivi- Vai, I want her to be punished. What does she think of herself? She tried to break my marriage. I'm telling you vai, she has crossed all limits. She has caused Pri di and Akki to suffer. Don't you let her go, vai.

Ram- I won't, I can't. I can never forgive her, Shivi. Just stay with Priya until I come back, ok?

Shivi- Ok, vai. Don't worry about her. I won't leave her for a second. 

Ram- Love you, bacche. 

Saying this, Ram left for the station. Bri went with him. 


At the police station, Ram found Vedika sitting on a bench. He walked towards her at a fast pace. Vedika noticed him and stood up. She attempted to conjure up a lie to earn her some sympathy from Ram. 

Vedika- Ram, I didn't...

Ram- How dare you?

Ram yelled at her. 

Ram- How dare you do this to my sister and my brother, Akki? 

Vedika- Ram, I...

Ram- Don't you dare try to give an excuse. All of this is happening because of you. Only because of you. If you hadn't created this mess, we would go to the Lohri together. I would be with my Priya. I could be with her. I could be with her. 

Ram broke down once again. He sat down on a chair. Bri tried to support him controlling her own tears. Vedika stood there not understanding a thing. 

Ram- Priya met with an accident. Only if I had been with her, Bri. I'd never let this happen. She needed me to be with her. Only if I hadn't come to the police station, I could perhaps prevent all of this. I could be with her... 

Vedika understood the whole situation. She saw a completely different Ram in front of her. This wasn't her Ram anymore. This was the Ram who loved Priya dearly. He was completely broken at the thought of losing Priya. Even Bri couldn't handle him. 

At that moment, Vedika understood that,

It was over.

She closed her eyes and accepted defeat. She desperately tried to find a way to be free from this mess. But before she could think of a way, she heard Ram's voice. Opening her eyes she saw Ram stand up. 

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