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Priya reaches to the bakery and sends Sandy home. Sara tries to talk to her about last night. 

Sara- Priya, what's going on? Tell me. 

Priya- Shivi's pregnant, Sara di.

Sara- What? 

Priya- Ha. That's why Nandini Kapoor came here with the proposal. 

Sara- Did you talk to Akki? 

Priya- Of course. I've scolded him and told him to go to Mr. Kapoor and agree to marry without any condition. 

Sara- Do mama mami know about this? 

Priya- Not yet. 

Sara- Ok, I'l talk to them... Priya?

Priya- hmm?

Sara- Did you talk to Ram about the proposal?

Priya- [After a moment of silence] Actually, Sara di, last night I said a lot of things to him. I rebuked him a lot. 

Sara- You did what? But what's Ram's fault? 

Priya- Nothing. But I was enraged and I didn't know about Shivi. 

Sara- So, he also rebuked you, na? 

Priya-  No.

Sara- No?

Priya- No. He calmed me down, pulled a chair for me, informed me about Shivi and he even offered me coffee. 

Sara- Wow! Ram is really different, no Priya?

Priya hums in agreement while mixing whipped egg and flour for the cakes. Sara finds her to be a little lost.

Sara- So, you didn't talk about your marriage. 

Priya comes back to her senses after hearing the word, "marriage".

Priya- Marriage? What marriage? No, we haven't. Why should we? We all should think about Akki and Shivi's marriage only. 

Priya talks while walking like a busy bee across the kitchen. Sara holds her and speaks to her. 

Sara- Listen Priya. I know your thoughts about marriage. But just try to listen to me. Marriage has its perks and problems. But it gives you a sense of security and stability. I know our parent's marriage failed. But look around, there are so many other marriages that stay strong even in the most ferocious storm. I know I have problems in my marriage, but Varun and I know we have each other's back. If something happens to one of us, we will be each other's support. Please, think twice about this proposal. Ram seems like a decent human being. Ok? 

Sara blows a kiss to Priya and starts decorating the cupcakes for sale. 

In Ram's office, Akki comes to talk to Ram. 

Ram- Are! Akki. Come, sit. How are you?

Akki- Fine. How are you, Ram vai?

Ram- Chal raha hain. 

Both spend a few moments in awkward silence. Ram offers coffee to Akki, which he declines. After a few moments, Akki starts to speak. 

Akki- Ram vai, I'm so sorry. For me, you had to go through all the troubles. But I won't trouble you anymore. I am ready to marry Shivi. My parents are coming to Mumbai to officially send a marriage proposal to your house. I've come here to inform you first. 

Ram feels relieved listening to Akki. He holds Akki's hands. 

Ram- Thanks Akki. You have relieved me of a huge tension. Shivi's gonna be so happy. But what about your promise? Has... she... I mean... Priya agreed to marry me? 

Akki stays silent. Tears start to form in the corner of his eyes. 

Ram- Akki? What happened? 

Akki- Pri di won't marry, Ram vai. Once again she put someone else before herself. Also, I failed to find a match for her. No one understands my di. She looks bitter and tough, but I've not seen a person more caring, more nurturing than her. 

Akki starts crying once again. 

Akki- This was my only way to push her to marry. We all know if we don't push her she'll never marry. Now she'll never marry. My sister will be left alone. 

Ram hugs Akki. Being the empath he is, he could feel Akki's turmoil. 

Ram- Akki, I can understand you. Don't worry, I will talk to her. I will do what's in my hand. Ok? 

Akki- Thank you, Ram vai. 

After Akki goes home, Ram's friends come to Ram. 

Adi- What happened Ram? Why do you look so pale? 

Ram- From where should I start? 

Bri- A lot of things happened, na?

Ram- hmm. For starters, Shivi's pregnant. 

Bri & Adi- What? 

Ram- Ha. So, mom asked for Priya's hand for me. So that Akki can fulfill his promise and marry Shivi soon. 

Bri & Adi- Whaaaat??

Ram- hmm. So, Priya scolded me for the proposal and Akki for these incidents and now Akki is ready to marry Shivi without any condition. 

Adi- Why did Priya scold you? 

Bri- Offo Adi. She was shocked about the proposal, that's why. Then, what happened, jaan?

Ram- Why do you look so happy? Is there a movie going on? Look at Adi, how tense he looks. Be like him. 

Bri- Jaan, you won't understand. Tell me more. 

Ram- Akki came to my office today. He cried a lot, yaar. He's really worried about his sister. 

Bri- So, marry her na. Problem solved. 

Adi- What are you saying, baby? Why should Ram marry that girl? 

Bri- Adi, you keep quiet. You haven't seen her. I have. You know Meera auntie is such a nice person. And I feel Priya too is a really nice girl. 

Ram- ha, I don't know about nice, but she has lots of spice in her. Oh man! how she scolds! I get shivers each time. 

Ram and Adi laughs. Bri gets irritated. 

Bri- Adi, Ram stop. That's such bad joke. Come on, Ram you told us how sacrificing she is. How can you say such things for her. 

Ram- Ok, ok sorry. Sorry for the bad joke. To be very honest, I don't know muh about her. But from what I've learnt about her, she seems honest, principled and sacrificing. 

Bri- Also, she is not a gold digger. 

Adi- How do you know that? 

Bri- I know that because I am not as thick headed as you are. Baby, if she was one she would immediately accept the proposal. She wouldn't push Akki to marry Shivi. 

Ram- Point. 

Bri- Ha. Also Nandini auntie herself proposed it. That means you'll also have her blessings. 

Adi- I still don't feel good about it. 

Bri- You don't need to. 

Saying this Bri goes to Ram, locks her hand with his and pulls him away to convince him to consider marrying. 

Adi starts to munch cookies that were kept on the table. 

After a generous amount of lecture on the perks of marriage Ram raises his hand. 

Bri- Ha, speak. 

Ram- What should I say to Priya? 

Adi- Definitely about Vedika. 

With her name, darkness descends on Ram's face. His smile goes away. Bri hits Adi for bringing up that wretched name. 

Bri- Adi, did you have to take that cursed name in this auspicious moment? 

Ram- No, Bri. Adi is right. Even if we decide to marry I must inform her about Vedika. 

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