Pretty Good

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"Priya, Priya? Priya. Priya!"

Twinkle had to push her to get her attention.

Priya- Ha?

Twinkle- Where are you lost? 

Priya- It's nothing.

Twinkle- Nothing? I've been noticing for the past few days. Your mind is always lost somewhere else. 

Priya- Kuch bhi. Did you have any work?

Twinkle- No. I was just wondering, why do you look so lost?

Priya- Tch, Kuch bhi, Twinkle.

Twinkle- Ok, ok. Forget that. Tell me how is your life going? 

Priya- [smiling] Pretty good.

Twinkle had been observing Priya for the past few weeks. The girl who was fed up with life had started to feel different. She had a different glow to her. It looked like the storm inside her had finally calmed down. 

"How is your life going?"- This simple answer had no simple answer to her. This question was asked by Twinkle many times. Each time it was answered with a sour face and one or two unfortunate events in Priya's life. Sometimes it was about her father, sometimes it was about Neeraj or the obnoxious neighbors or the parlor owner in front of their house, or her students. The list went on. Perhaps, for the first time, Twinkle got a simple answer. 

"Pretty good."

Twinkle smiled seeing the tranquility that had started to linger on Priya's face. 

They talked about their lives. Two friends, who had seen the ups and downs of each other's lives. Twinkle found that conversation to be calm and peaceful. And full of mentions of Ram. 


That name had completely changed her friend's life. In that moment, she felt an immense sense of satisfaction, knowing that her friend's heart was now filled with love and bliss and that the burdens that had once weighed her down were now lifted.


For the entire day, Priya had only one thought and that was how to remove the awkwardness between them. She imagined several scenarios and laughed like a fool in her mind. Sometimes on the staircase, or in the quietest place of the cafeteria, she giggled like a teenager thinking about several funny ways and their outcomes. Sometimes she emerged herself in deep thought, being skeptical about her plans.

At the end of the day, she couldn't make any plan to remove the awkwardness. She wanted to take help from others but she couldn't discuss it with anyone else as the topic felt too private to her. 

Her relationship with Ram was something she had started to treasure more than anything else. She wanted to hide it from all of the world.


On that day, Ram had reached home earlier. He had bought some scented candles which were good for headaches. He wanted to make Priya feel relaxed as he had noticed her getting headaches whenever she cried or was stressed or ill. He ordered Tarun to make something light for dinner. 

While lighting a few candles, Ram remembered the incidents of the morning. 

Hugging her, placing a kiss on her cheeks, and sharing his first intimate thoughts about her. 

Ram- Wow! Ram, thoda chill kar. Be calm, cool, and relaxed. You are just making things hard for her. She might need some time. Don't force your feelings on her like that again. 

When Ram was composing himself Priya walked into the room. The first thing she noticed was those scented candles. She loved the smell and was counting the number of candles in the room. Ram noticed her gaze tracing the candles. Before she could get any idea, Ram started to explain the situation. 

Ram- Wo, Priya, I read that these scented candles are good for headaches. So, I bought a bunch of them. You had a bad headache last night. That's why.

Priya smiled at him listening to him. 

Priya- Thank you. Sorry, I couldn't come with you today. I was so busy. The exams are coming and there are so many things to do. 

Ram- It's ok. Go freshen up and let's have dinner. 


They finished their dinner and came to their room while talking about their day. Ram was complaining to her about Vikrant as he said that it was easy to imitate Ram. Priya was laughing listening to the incident. 

Priya- He is right, Mr. Kapoor, it's quite easy to imitate you. 

Ram- Achha! Even you will take Vikrant's side. 

Priya- Even you should take Vikrant's side. 

Ram- Mein nahi manta. 

Priya- Achha. Hatiye samne se. 

Priya pushed Ram aside and went to the bedside table. She took Ram's pill box and started to imitate him.

Priya- Where are my pills? Where is my caffeine shot? Where is my stress pill? Tarun, bring my pills. 

Ram watched her with a shocked face. 

Priya- Where is water? Give me water. How will I take my pills? 

Ram handed her a glass of water. 

Priya- Is it filtered? Is it mineral water? Isn't it? Tarun, bring the water. 

Ram chuckled watching her acting. He decided to give it back to her.

Ram- Do you know Mr. Kapoor, this is boiled water. Thousand times better than the filtered. And the mineral water you talk about, you know what? It costs 4 rupees to make the bottle and they sell it for 20 rupees!  Consumerism, Mr. Kapoor. Are you understanding it? 

Priya gave him a sharp glare. 

Ram keep mimicking her, and so did she. They taunted each other about their quirks and imperfections and had a hearty laugh. 

Life felt pretty good. 


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