A Falling Star

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Shubhu- So, look, we will provide them with diet charts too. And maybe, we will sell some types of equipment to exercise at home. It will be a complete package! 

Akshay- But we have to start somewhere first. Then we can expand it further with the profit. 

Shubhu- That will take so much time. And that won't make us unique. We need to stand out, bro.

Akshay- But the capital cost will be so much higher!

Akshay spoke being concerned about the business proposal of Shubhu. Shubhu scoffed. 

Shubhu- What do we have Ram bhai for? He is our personal bank, okay? You don't need to worry about money.

Saying this Shubhu patted Akshay's back. Akshay tried to smile for decency, but he had found Shubhu's words to be extremely derogatory. 

"Why would he talk like that?", Akshay couldn't understand. "Why would someone treat their own family like this?"

But he didn't say anything. Akshay chose to wait. He wanted to understand the relation equation in the Kapoor family. 


Priya closed her laptop and looked at Ram who was peeking over her shoulder.  

Priya- Done. 

Ram- Woohoo!

Priya- I've never seen a husband this happy to push his wife to pursue the PhD program. 

Ram- Because I am the hero of the story, Priya. Don't you always call me the hero? 

Priya- You really are. But I hope you know that a Ph.D. program can be long-running. 

Ram- How long can it be? 

Priya- Really long. We are talking about 4-5 years long. 

Ram's smile disappeared listening to her.

Ram- 5... 5 years, Priya!

Priya- Hmm. Are you ready to live without me for that long?

Ram kept silent for a moment. But then his smile reappeared. 

Ram- I don't need to be ready, madam. I can always arrange a chartered flight. 

Priya- That's not happening. I won't allow you to contribute more to the carbon emissions. 

Ram- Uff... why Priya? Won't you miss me?

Priya- Of course, I will. That's why I didn't want to apply. 

Ram- Not applying isn't a solution. Achha, we will discuss that later. But first, we have to celebrate. 

Priya- Celebrate what?

Ram- You applying for the Ph.D.

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, It's only an application. It's not the final result. 

Ram- So, what? I am going to celebrate this too and you won't stop me. Because I have already made the arrangement. 

Priya- What arrangements? 

Ram- That's a surprise! Let's go to the terrace.

Ram took Priya to the terrace. Priya watched the beautiful setup on the terrace. 

Priya- Bed? Here? 

Ram- I thought, why don't we celebrate this with your favorite activity- star gazing?

Priya- How do you know that I love star gazing?

Ram- Whenever we went outside at night, you always looked at the stars. And on the Juhu beach, you taught me star's names. So, obviously, I know. Do you like the arrangement?

Priya- [Smiling] A lot. 

Ram smiled and took her to the bed. 

Ram- Welcome to Priya Ram Kapoor's favorite activity spiced up by Ram Kapoor. 

Priya- Spiced up? 

As soon as she asked her gaze fell on the samosa kept beside the bed. Ram brought the tray in front of her.

Ram- This is the spice! Do you know how refreshing it is to watch a movie with samosa? So I thought though this isn't a movie we are about to watch. But we can always treat it like one and bring samosa. I mean look at them. They are perfect for this occasion, actually for every occasion. 

Ram took a samosa and gave it to Priya. 

Ram- To ajke shaam chaand, sitara aur Priya ke naam.

Priya took a bite with a smile on her face. Ram watched her with love. 

When her content smile became everything to him, he didn't know

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When her content smile became everything to him, he didn't know. But he knew something for sure. That he would never change the way it was. 

Ram took a samosa and a bucket of popcorn. They talked about things around themselves, their past and present, their feelings...

Suddenly, Ram noticed a meteor. He jumped up and held Priya's hand. He insisted that she wished for something closing her eyes. 

Priya looked at her enthusiastic husband, who was just like a little kid

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Priya looked at her enthusiastic husband, who was just like a little kid. She couldn't but smile watching his enthusiasm. She closed her eyes at Ram's request and made a wish. 

No, not a wish. 

But a heartfelt gratitude. 

"People thank their stars for all the good things in their life. Which makes no sense. As stars are nothing but plasma spheres. Also, this isn't even a star but a meteor... But still thank you.
Thank you for bringing Ram to my life."

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