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Nandini is pacing in exasperation. Shubham can feel her restlessness. He proceeds to talk to her. 

Shubhu- Mom, what happened? Why are you so restless? 

Nandini- [Breaks down at Shubhu's interrogation] Shubhu, everything is finished Shubhu. Do you know what Shivi did? She's pregnant! I can't believe this, Shubhu. 

Shubhu- What! Shivi.. 

Shubhu gets angry. 

Shubhu- [In an angry tone] And who is the father? That penniless Akki? 

Nandini- Ha. 

Shubhu- I'm gonna kill that Akki. 

He is about to storm off the room but Nandini holds his hand and stops him. 

Nandini- No, Shubhu. Shubhu stop. Think about Shivi. And we can't let Ram know about this. Ram can't know about Shivi's pregnancy. 

Shubhu- Now what? He has already a condition to marry our sister and now this. Everything is Ram vai's fault. His lectures on love spoiled Shivi. 

Nandini- [Sobbing] I don't know what to do. Bas! I hope they find someone for Priya as quickly as possible. 

Shubhu- I'm gonna talk to Ram vai. 

Saying so he storms off the room. Nandini sits on her bed. She was trembling thinking about Shivi's future. 

In the office, 

Ram, Adi and Bri are sitting in the conference room. Meera ma has just informed Bri that Priya agreed to meet someone. Now they are trying to select a guy. 

Shubhu angrily enters the room. 

Shubhu- Ram vai, what is this clownery, huh? 

Ram- Shubhu, what happened? Why are you so angry? 

Shubhu- Why shouldn't I be? Give me a reason. There the Soods are playing with us, Kapoors. And I should be calm here? 

Ram- What are you saying? Nobody is playing with anybody here. 

Shubhu- Oh really? At first, that pauper manipulates our sister into loving him, then he breaks her marriage, then he puts a condition before marrying, and now...

Ram- Shubhu, you are just misphrasing everything. It didn't happen like this. And Akki didn't put any condition for us to fulfill. He just wants her elder sister to get married first. 

Shubhu- You've become blind. You are not seeing, how the Soods are playing with us. Akki put us in a situation now, and mark my words after two days he will demand money from us, or at least he'll secure his position in that big-budget movie using Shivi, using us. 

Saying this Shubhu storms off the room in anger. 

Ram sighs in frustration. Bri puts her hand on Ram's shoulder. 

Bri- Let it go, Ram. Shubhu is just a bit angry. We all know how is he. 

Adi- But he has a point. What if Soods are doing all this for Ram's money? 

Bri- What are you saying, baby? I've met them. They are nothing like that. 

Adi- I met them too, ok? And I've not seen a person ruder than Priya. 

They were about to start quarreling. But Vikrant and Kunal enter the room. 

Kunal- Guys, guys. What happened? 

Ram- Kunal my brother. Do something. Here I am dying of my problems and these two are quarreling. 

Vikrant- Have no fear, we are here. Now tell us what is the problem. 

Ram- [picking Priya's photo from the table] We need to find a guy for Akki's sister. 

Vikrant- Are! This is Priya. 

Ram- Ha. When did I say this is ShantiPriya? 

Vikrant- I mean this is Twinkle's friend Priya. You were talking about this Priya Sood! Small world. 

Bri- Is she your wife's friend? 

Vikrant- Ha, I know her. She's so strict, yaar! I've never seen her smile. She's smiling in this photo. She looks nice with a smile. 

Kunal also looks at the photo and agrees with Vikrant. 

Ram takes the photo from him.

Ram- Enough of seeing her smile, now off to work. Find a guy for her. 

Bri- Idea! Ram, listen. I have a guy in my mind. Remember the boutique near Priya's cafe? The owner of the boutique is my friend. She was searching for a girl for her brother. We can introduce Priya to them. 

Vikrant- Bri, tell me exactly how many friends you have.

Adi- I'll tell you. Count all the boutique shops in Mumbai and multiply that by 4. Whenever she goes to a boutique shop she befriends the owner, cashier, and other two people working there. 

They all laugh out loud. 

Bri- [Hits Adi] Adi, I'll feed you tindey today. 

Ram- [Hugs Bri] This is not fair guys. Nobody taunts my Bri. 

Vikrant- O Bri's brother, we are not taunting her. This is called stating facts. 

Bri proceeds to hit them all. Ram laughs sitting on the table. Watching them is like a healing patch to him. His friends help him to heal from the wounds his family gifts him with. 

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