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She opened her eyes to discover herself in a desolate landscape. A haunting sense of darkness enveloped her in its icy grip. The moon, a pale and distant orb, cast a faint, ghostly light over the scene, revealing barren trees with gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal fingers toward the sky. She found herself all alone, wandering, with a sense of foreboding. The ground beneath her feet was frozen, crunching with each step, and her breath hung in the air in frosty clouds. The darkness seemed to press in from all sides, suffocating and oppressive, creating a sense of isolation and unease. She ran and ran. She wanted to run away from the place. But she couldn't find a way. Tears dropped from her eyes as she ran.

Suddenly, a warm and comforting embrace enveloped her from behind. It was a familiar embrace, one that brought a sense of safety and solace. She turned around to find him, a beacon of light in the darkness. She had missed him dearly, and his presence brought an instant sense of relief. She tried to see his face but she couldn't. But she could feel his touch. He held her hand. His hands were warm and comforting.

Priya woke up from her sleep to find her hands held by Ram. Ram was busy rubbing her hand. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor. 

Ram- Oh, you are awake? 

Priya- What are you doing? 

Ram- Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. I was feeling hot so I decreased the AC temperature. I thought I would increase it soon. But then I fell asleep. It's been 2 hours since. And when I woke up you were shivering. So, I increased the temperature, covered you with the duvet, and I was warming up your hands. I'm really sorry. Are you okay? 

Priya- Hmm. Just... my head. What happened last night? I can't remember anything. 

Ram- Priya, you had drunk alcohol by mistake. 

Priya- At the party? 

Ram- Mmm... To be more precise at the end of the party. 

Priya- Did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry if I did. I can't remember anything. I don't know how I. I don't drink at all, Mr. Kapoor. I haven't done that intentionally.

Ram kept looking at her amusingly as she kept on apologizing for things she didn't do. She looked cute. A mischievous idea crossed his mind. He decided to pull her leg. 

Ram- No, you didn't do anything weird. At least not at the party. 

Priya- Then? Did I do something to you? 

Ram- I mean I was scared. 

Priya- What did I do? 

Priya kept asking with a pout and the most innocent look. Ram found her cute. 

Ram- What you did was out of my imagination. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, stop pulling my leg. We're not kids. 

Ram- Last night you didn't feel like a kid at all. 

Priya- [in a high pitch] Please, stop.

Ram- That was my exact thought last night. 

Priya- What...

Ram- Ok, ok. I won't bother you anymore. You must be quite tired after last night, huh?

Priya- Please, tell me what did I do. 

Ram- [After a pause] You cracked the worst joke possible in the history of jokes. 

Priya looked at him for a few moments before heaving a sigh of relief. 

Ram- You look relieved. What did you think before?

Priya said nothing but gave him a side-eye. Ram kept chuckling after successfully giving her a mild panic attack. 

Ram- By the way, jokes apart. I wanted to tell you something important last night. But couldn't. 

Priya- What? 

Ram- Are you completely sober right now? 

Priya- Yeah, I think so. 

Ram- I know you told me you were not interested in knowing about my past. But I know about your past and it'll be only fair that you know my past too. Especially, when my past is coming in front of us again and again. 

Priya- Is it about your 2nd stage? 

Ram- Yeah. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, I don't care about your past at all. To me the most important thing is...

Ram- The present and the future. I know that. But you should know. So that you can avoid any embarrassing moments. And I don't want my friend to be embarrassed. Also, as my wife you have full right to know it. 

Ram took a deep breath before presenting the truth in front of Priya. 

Ram- Do you remember Shashi and Vedika? 

Priya- Yeah.

 Ram- Well, Vedika was my ex. 

 Priya- Oo. But they told. 

Ram- Yeah. But that's a white lie. I mean we were in the same college. But we were not exactly friends. She was my crush and then my girlfriend. For a long period of time. I don't know why Shashi said that yesterday. Perhaps, he didn't want to make us feel awkward. But not protesting him was my fault and I felt like a liar and cheat. 

Priya- But you did nothing wrong. You just loved someone and then lost her. You didn't even hide the fact from me... Thank you, Mr. Kapoor. This means a lot to me. I hate men for their deceiving nature. For lying and for hiding the truth. Aap ne sach kaha, mujhe achha laga. 

Ram- And thank you for accepting my truth with such ease. You are truly my friend. I think I can share anything with you. And I want to. Can I? 

Priya- Of course. What are friends for? 

Ram- Ok, then. From where should I start? 

Priya- From the washroom. 

Ram- Washroom?

Priya- Look at the time. Mr. Kapoor, don't you have to go to the office? Even I have several classes today. Get up. Hurry up. 

Ram got up in a jiff. 

Ram- O ha, I have to go immediately. Thank you, Priya, thank you for reminding me.

Both of them got up and started getting ready for the day. After sharing this seemingly small information both of them felt at peace. Ram didn't feel guilty and Priya felt she could finally trust someone. Someone who won't lie to her no matter what is the situation or how insignificant the fact is. They didn't understand but by sharing this truth and accepting it both of them took a step ahead in their relationship which is to bloom into something beautiful and unique in the future. 

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