Unseen tears

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It is 1 am. 

Everybody in Sood house is sleeping except one. 

That lonely soul slowly gets up from the bed, opens the drawer without wanting to make any sound and pulls out an album from beneath the clothes. 

Those sleepless pair of eyes wander in memory lane through the album. 

The album has pictures of the people she loves the most—her parents, siblings, children 

& her Priya—her life, her everything. 

Meera caresses a photo. It was taken when Priya took her first steps. Sara was holding her from the back and Priya was smiling at Sara arching back. She turns over the picture and watches another photo. It was taken at her brother's home. Priya was standing holding a corner of a tapestry. Priya used to love those tapestries. 

Meera still remembers the day when Priya was born. She had her labor pain for 20 hrs.

After 20 long hrs when Meera took her newborn in her arms all of her agonies vanished. She was always different from others. Unlike the other children, she had this sweet smile on her face. She looked so "Pyaari" that at that moment Meera decided to call her Priya.

Her Priya was always different. From a very young age, she showed empathy towards others. She was always smiling. 

But that Mahendra Sood, he could never enjoy her sweetness. He always scolded her. He didn't even bother to hold her when she was born. He never came near her. He was so disappointed at the birth of a second daughter. Whenever her Priya would walk to him with her tiny little feet, he would shoo her away, scold her, and even attempt to beat her several times. 

Every time Meera would come running and pick Priya up to take her away. A young Meera couldn't understand how he wasn't swooned over by the sweetest smile of her Priya. A young Meera couldn't protest. She never learned to talk back to her husband. Her elders just taught her how to respect her husband, how to agree with him always, and how to take care of him and his ego. But she was never taught how to take a stand for herself and her children, how to be independent, or what to do when husband starts to beat.......

She only learned to hide her pain, her tears, her bruises, and her wounds......

But she could never hide these from her Priya. Her Priya always noticed. Her Priya always cared. 

She couldn't take a stand for her children and herself but her Priya did. 

Tears fall on the photos. 

Meera- Suddenly you became my mother. I should have been the one to protect you but it was you who shouldered the responsibility. 

Priya's words, Priya's courage, and Priya's smile became Meera's strength. 

Meera- With your support, I could take us out of that monster's den. I could make another home for us. But I could never save you from that monster's wrath, his curses. Even today I failed. I always get the cold feet in front of him. I don't know how to protest, I don't know how to shield you. Every time you get hurt, every time you cry, my heart bleeds. But I could never save you from this cruel world's cruel words....

.......I wish you were still the little Priya. I would pick you up and take you away from this world, 

Meri Pyaari Priya....

Meri Pyaari Priya

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