The Wallflower

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Adi, Bri, Kunal, Vikrant, and Ram were standing in a corner of the party. 

As Bri described, Ram was standing there with whiskey in his hand but no tears in his eyes. But his eyes were searching for someone. 

Vikrant pulls the gang towards him, away from Ram for a whispering discussion session. 

Vikrant- Look Bri, things are happening just as you predicted. We couldn't find a date for him. Now here is our vai, busy being a Devdas.

Kunal- But no tears in eyes. 

Adi- Just let Vedika come and watch.

Bri- Offo! Why all these negative thoughts? Think of something good. 

Adi- What good baby? Ram, corner, and whiskey all are here- just the tears are missing. 

Kunal- And the chant.

Adi- Vedika and Shashi will bring those two. 

As they were cursing Vedika and Shashi the couple arrives. Ram welcomes them. 

Shashi- Areh! Where is my almost sister-in-law? Let me congratulate her. 

Ram- Shashi, whatever happened, we are deeply sorry for that. I promise you nothing like this will recur. Please don't keep this thing in mind. 

Shashi- I was just joking. Don't take it seriously. We are not angry at all. Look how gladly we've come here. Look at Vedika, how she has adorned her for the occasion. She looks beautiful, no Ram? 

Shashi's words make Ram and Vedika awkward. Vedika tries to change the topic. 

Vedika- Where is Akshay? We haven't met him yet. 

Ram- Umm... They'll be here any minute... There they are! Excuse me. 

Ram walks away from the Babbar couple to welcome Soods. 

Ram and Nandini warmly welcome Soods

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Ram and Nandini warmly welcome Soods. Ram receives sweets, fruits, and other gifts from them and gives them to Tarun to keep. Nandini takes Meera and mami with her. Ram talks to Akki and takes him to Shivi. Ram's friends come to take the Sood sisters with them. Vikrant pulls Twinkle away from them. 

Vikrant- Wifey, so late you are. 

Twinkle- Vikki, it took time to wrap the gifts. Also, you weren't there to help. So, I won't tolerate any lecture on gift wrapping. 

Vikrant- Ok, Baby.

Meera approaches Ram. 

Meera- Ram? 

Ram- Ha, auntie?

Meera- This is for you. 

Meera hands him a small box.

Ram- What's in it? 

Meera- Gajar ka halwa. You liked it the other day when you had dinner with us, remember? 

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