Disastrous Fate

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Akshay saw Ram's name on his phone. He quickly picked up the call.

Akshay- Hello, Jiju! Trust me, jiju. I haven't done anything. I really love SHivi. I can't even think of hurting her. 

Ram- Akki, just tell me everything there is to say without hiding anything.

Akshay- Ok jiju. 

Akshay started telling Ram everything. He also sent him screenshots of the threatening messages he was getting and the number. Ram didn't make any comment on it. He received all the things and cut the call saying that he would see to it. 

On the other hand, Priya heard what Shivi had to say and told her about the visit to the advocate's chamber. Priya also requested her to talk to Akshay at least one time. Shivi agreed.

Shivi- I'll Pri di. Because you are telling me to do so. But he should have come to me, no?

Priya- He came, Shivi. 

Shivi- What? Why didn't anyone tell me?

Priya gave a faint smile. She struggled to understand this girl. A few hours ago, she was dying to leave Akshay. Now she's complaining about why nobody informed her about Akshay's arrival. 

Shivi- No, tell me, Pri di. Wives sulk, right? And husbands try to pacify them right? 

Priya- Those happen on small things. This is a huge allegation against Akki. 

Shivi- To be very honest, Pri di, when that girl came to me in my boutique and started to say all those things, I felt so humiliated. And those pictures. And your brother's lies- all convinced me at that moment that Akki betrayed me. And Akki was acting aloof for some days. I didn't think much about Akki. I just felt bad and called Ram Vai to pick me up. Now that I think about it again, Akki wasn't even touching that girl in the photo. That girl was throwing herself all over my Akki. 

Priya- A simple misjudgment from your side is hurting so many people Shivi. Shouldn't you have thought a bit more before reacting to such a sensitive issue? Do you know, Akki was being threatened? 

Shivi felt guilty when Priya pointed it at her. She agreed that should have known better. 

Shivi- I'm sorry Pri di. But how would I know? Akki didn't tell me anything. I agree I was at fault. But shouldn't he have come clear before me? Shouldn't he have involved me in this matter? I am his wife. Don't I have a right to know what is happening with him? Shouldn't spouses open up to each other to make the marriage work better? 

Priya nodded. 

Priya- Akki has done a mistake. 

Priya spoke in a low tone. She felt Shivi's words were not only meant for Akshay but also for her. After all, she was doing the same thing. She was hiding her insecurities and her thoughts about her and Ram's relationship. She wasn't including Ram in her decisions about their marriage when he deserved to be. She was trying to create a distance between her and Ram only because he had a past. Only based on the fear that one day he might want to go back to his first love. As Shivi called Akshay, Priya decided to solve all misunderstandings in her marriage.


Priya came to the room. She wanted to initiate the discussion about themselves with Ram but didn't know how to. She stood near the door. Ram noticed her. 

Ram- Still angry with me? I've spoken with Akki. He told me everything. 

Priya- [enthusiastically] And? 

Ram- I am going to trace the number and find out who is behind all this. 

Priya- That will be great. Shivi also agreed to talk to Akki. Soon you will know, we were not lying. 

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