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Priya returns home to some tense souls. They all gather around her to know what happened. Everyone has nothing but questions in their eyes. 

Priya- What? 

Sara- What happened? 

Priya- Nothing happened. Let's have dinner. 

Sara- What do you mean by nothing happened? You were so infuriated when you left, now you are cool as the Himalayas. Something must have happened.

Sandy- Point. Sara di's got a point. 

Priya- Point ki bacchi, give some rest to your lips. You talk too much. 

Sandy- Ok. Lips zipped. 

Meera- Tell us, Priya, what happened? 

When everyone was eager to know what happened, Akki asked nothing. A few moments ago Shivi told him that Ram got to know about the pregnancy. So, Akki assumed Priya also got to know that. He is just sitting on the sofa awaiting Priya's scolding. 

Priya silently has her breakfast and goes to sleep. Akki wonders what happened to her and what is going to happen to him. His biggest fear was not Priya's scolding but the fact that Priya may refuse to marry before him. And if that happens Priya may avoid marriage for the rest of her life. It pained him how his mistake became a huge obstacle in fulfilling his promise. He goes to sleep with this crippling fear that his sister may never marry thus sacrificing her happiness for the family for the rest of her life. 

The next day was a Sunday. Sara goes to the bakery late in the morning. Normally, Priya goes to the bakery with Sara on Sunday but today Priya sends Sandy with her. Meera goes to Sara's home to take Sara's 6 yrs old son Ishaan to the art school as Sara's husband Varun has to go out of city for his work. 

Priya calls Akki to her room and makes him sit on the bed. 

Priya- Akki, do you want to tell me something? 

Akki lowers his gaze and tries to find the right words.

Priya- Mr. Kapoor told me. Shivi's pregnant. Do you understand what you have done? Forget that, do you even understand what you are doing right now? You are searching for a match for me, ignoring that girl who's going to be the mother of your kid. Is this what I taught you to be?

Akki- I am sorry, Di. I... I just want to see you settle down. 

Pri- Akki, don't think from your heart. Learn to think from your brain. Do you know how tense is everyone in Shivi's family? Do you have any idea how tense Shivi might be right now? 

Akki- Shivi understands my point, Di.

Priya- I'll slap you if you say another word. You are lucky that Shivi loves you this much. You have done enough. Today you'll go to Mr. Kapoor and tell him you are ready for the marriage. I am going to call mama-mami. They are going to take your proposal to the Kapoors. End of discussion. 

Akki- But Di...

Priya- No ifs and buts. You are not a little kid anymore. You are an adult. You have responsibilities. Don't take decisions emotionally. You are now responsible for your own life and also for those lives that depend on you. Mama, mami, Shivi, and your kid will now depend on you. You have responsibilities to fulfill. Think logically. 

Akki- What about my responsibilities as your brother? 

Priya- I free you from those... Now get up and get ready. I am going to the bakery. I am sending Sandy home. Leave after she returns home. 

Saying this Priya goes away. 

Akki stays on the bed. His vision becomes blurred. He curses himself. 

Akki- [murmuring] This is not fair, Pri di. Once again you are putting everybody else before yourself. Once again you are forgetting about yourself. Why don't you understand? You are gonna be left alone. Everybody will become busy with their life. There'll be no one left for you. How can I let that happen? Only if I hadn't made such a blunder... Only if I...

Before even realizing Akki starts to weep like a baby. His heart wrenches for the sister who has been perhaps more than a mother to himself. 

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