Resolvement II

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Ram was attentively listening to Akki. For a while, his anxiety about the word "condition" was washed away by something else. His eyes fell on Priya, who was standing there, holding a cup of tea. What's glistening in the corner of her eyes? Before Ram could understand it his own vision becomes blurry. 

His mind drifted away. His own life flashed before his eyes. When his father died he was only 20 years old. The sudden demise brought a storm into Ram's life. Before he could even process the news he had to identify his father's dead body. Her mom broke down, Shubhu was only 7, and Shivi was only 5. Ram had to shoulder every responsibility. Identifying the dead body, doing the final rites, pacifying mom, shivi & Shubhu, maintaining the business, handling lenders, and whatnot. 

Ram didn't have time to mourn. He just tried to pacify everyone. Mom needed support, Shubhu and Shivi needed assurance, care, & feeding, and the business needed a strong leader. Even when Vedika broke up with him 6 months after his father's death he couldn't shed a tear. He was just shocked. He tried to understand Vedika. He tried too...

It was after 3 yrs of that fateful event- The business was stable. Mom was calm and Shubhu & Shivi was slowly getting busy in their own life, debts were paid, Vedika was married....

For the first time in those 3 yrs Ram could return home before evening. The house usually remains empty at that time. On that evening, finally, Ram could feel that he was an orphan. He had no one to call his own. No one to depend upon. Not a parental figure. A lone tear dropped from his eyes followed by another. In no time Ram started crying profoundly. He finally could feel the absence of his parents in true meaning. He had felt it before. But it struck him on that day, that, his parents are not gonna come back, no matter how much he calls for them. 

What did he do? He tried to get himself together and went on to sacrifice. 

When he comes out of his thought he agrees to Akki's condition in a heartbeat. The idea that someone is ready to sacrifice for a person who has been sacrificing gives him a sense of peace. 

Ram- Ok. So be it. Priya should marry first, then you two can marry. 

Ram's voice breaks Priya's trance. She becomes all worked up. 

Priya- What!? No. Akki don't you dare do that. 

Akki- Why not, di? Anyway, your scolding is not gonna work here. I have already promised myself. I can't break it. 

Priya- Promise, my foot. To whom did you promise? To yourself, na? It can be broken. 

Akki- No. It will be against my morals.

Priya is too stunned to talk. She never expected this sacrifice from her brother, not for herself. The fact that someone is putting her first overwhelmed her. She went speechless. 

For a moment, Ram could feel what she felt. He felt this weird happiness for Priya. He rises from the sofa. 

Ram- So, it's decided then. I'll let Shivi know. And we all are going to find a groom for Priya. It's going to be tough, huh? 

Ram chuckles. Akki chuckles too. He hugs Ram. 

Akki- Thanks Ram vai. Thanks for understanding. Shivi is right. You are too good. 

Ram- Areh! Its nothing. I am just too excited to find a groom for Miss khadus here. It's going to be an adventure.  

Ram and Akki laugh together. Priya scrunched her eyebrow and tries to find a befitting reply to Ram's taunt. But her mind becomes blank. 

Ram bids adieu to the Soods and goes back to Kapoor mansion. 

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