Button & Bottle I

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It's Ram and Priya's reception party today. Ram arranged this to introduce Priya to his friends and business partners.

Priya goes through her clothes to select one. Her family strictly prohibited her from wearing her regular clothes. Sara and Sandy basically threatened her not to wear those. Priya picks up a blue cotton salwar kameez. She decides to wear that without giving a dime about Sara and Sandy's threat. 

"I don't understand the need to dress up. Why do people care so much about their attire? It's just a cloth. It doesn't represent someone's character. The most irrational mindless person or the vilest creature can wear a beautiful piece of clothing and look good. But it doesn't turn them into smart, sensible human beings." Priya thinks in her mind. 

Suddenly she hears a knock on the door. She opens the door to find Bri and Shivi smiling at her sheepishly.

Priya- Bri, Shivi, come inside.

Bri and Shivi enter the room. They make Priya sit on the bed and sit on both sides of her. 

Shivi- I love you, Pri di. 

Priya- [In a confused tone] I love you too. But what happened? 

Shivi- Nothing, nothing at all. 

Bri- Nothing, Priya, look at me. How are you?

Priya- I'm fine. How are you? 

Bri- I am a bit tense but super excited and hopeful. 

Priya- About what? 

Bri- About this. Kunal, bring it in. 

Kunal walks into the room with a white gown in his hand. 

Bri- I know, one thing common between you and Ram is that you're happy to do things for others. So, I've gathered a lot of courage and brought this to you.

Priya- Courage? I don't gobble people up. 

Bri- That's not what I meant. In fact, I have a list of people we should gobble up together. 

Priya chuckles a bit. 

Bri- Priya, please wear this to the party. 

Priya- Actually, I have already selected a dress. 

Bri- Yeah, I know. I can't impose on you. And already you've worn clothes out of your comfort zone for Shivi. It's just that Ram has few friends. And we all together got this for you and we want you to wear it. You know we had lost all hope that anyone would come into Ram's life. We always wanted Ram to have someone for him not to remain alone. Now you've come into his life. This is a huge deal for us. I'm really happy. And we all love you for that. Aur ye dress tumhari liye ek pyaar vari taufa hai. 

Kunal- If you wear this Bri's gonna cry for sure that I can tell you. She's hesitating to tell the truth. 

Bri- No, I'm not. But I don't want to impose anything on Priya.

Shivi- But I want to. Please, Pri di, please, please. 

Bri- No Shivi, no one will force Priya. We had a deal. 

Priya looks at Bri with a smile. Bri feels warm to her. Warm and kind. Priya agrees to wear the dress. Shivi squeals in joy. Bri becomes emotional and hugs Priya. 

Kunal- Great, I am going to pursue Ram now. 

Shivi and Bri help Priya to get ready. Few minutes after they go out. Ram enters the room. His eyes fall on Priya. He looks at her with amazement. He walks toward her. She was standing in front of the dressing table. Ram stands near her. Her open hair and white gown made her look like a dream. 

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