The Wedding

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Sara finishes adorning Priya by putting a small bindi on her forehead. 

Sara- You are looking so pretty today. Mumma, I can't believe our Priya's getting married. It feels like yesterday you came home with this small bundle. 

Meera- Even I can't believe it. 

Meera comes to Priya and hugs her. 

Today's Priya's wedding day. She has worn a simple red benarasi with simple jewelry. Simplicity radiated in her.

Priya was about to come out of her room when she heard Sara and Meera talking

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Priya was about to come out of her room when she heard Sara and Meera talking. 

Sara- Mumma, did you inform him? 

Meera- Haa. Yesterday. 

Sara- Yesterday? Shouldn't have we inform him earlier? 

Meera- For what? So, that he can come and taunt Priya once again? Sara, it's true that I could never take a stand for her, but I will never do something so that my Priya has to face him and his taunts. 

Sara- You did the right thing mumma. Is he gonna come?

Meera- I don't think so. He was quite angry. Even if he come he will just taunt my Priya. I don't want to see tears in her eyes today. May God let everything happen in peace. 

Priya's eyes well up listening to Meera. She wipes her tears and comes outside to cheer Sara and Meera up. Her tears get buried under her smile. 


In Kapoor Mansion, Adi and Bri are creating chaos over preparing Ram. Kunal and Vikrant have brought a band with them. The whole mansion is filled with music and laughter. 

Bri- Adi, you are creating so much confusion here. Let me prepare Ram. Go and check the barat. 

Adi- O ha, I've to check that too. Baby, achhe se sajana mere vai ko. 

Bri- Of course, adi. 

Adi hugs Ram and leave. 

Bri proceeds to make Ram wear a watch. 

Ram- Areh, you are doing it wrong. Let me wear it. Already I am quite nervous. You two have made me even more nervous and so many thoughts are...

Bri- Shut up, Ram. 

Ram- Ok... shush.

Bri- I know you had so many plans for your marriage and you wanted to marry someone else. But please, please, don't think about that girl today.

Ram- I am not thinking about her Bri. 

Bri- Then? 

Ram- I am thinking about Priya. Girls have so many plans for their wedding right? Shivi is so excited. You were so excited. But Priya has no excitement. Everyone may think she is really boring and bland. But I've known her enough to say that she's not. She's just sad... You know Bri, Priya's dad na, he is such a pathetic human being. He left Meera maa because she couldn't give him a son. I wonder if he regrets that. I mean look at them. All sisters grew up to be smart, independent and successful. Sara di has her own bakery, Priya is a professor, and Sandy is an chartered accountant. He must regret, no? 

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