Break Down

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Seeing the text Priya thinks this man is the root of all problems. 
If he didn't agree to Akki's condition and started to find a match for her none of these would happen. Even this guy was selected by him. 

Priya becomes infuriated and texts back, "Where are you now?"

Ram replies, "Why do you need an escort to flee the date? Is it that bad?"

Priya replies, "I asked where are you now. I need to talk to you."

Ram replies, "I am at my office. Should I come to take you out from the date?"

Priya replies, "Stay there. I am coming."

Ram senses something bad is going to happen. He waits in anticipation. 

It starts to rain. Ram is waiting at his office. Suddenly Vedika calls him. 

Vedika- Ram, How are you? 

Ram- I am fine, vedu. What about you? 

Vedika- I am fine. I need to talk to you. Can I come to your office? 

Ram- Yeah, sure. But what's wrong? Is everything alright? 

Vedika- Yeah. It's just... It's about Sid. I'll tell you when I meet you. Let's meet on the terrace, ok?

Ram- Ok. 

Ram completely forgets about Priya. He sits under a shade on the terrace and waits for Vedika. 

After some time, Vedika comes there with an umbrella. "How ethereal can she look!", Ram thinks to himself. His mind drifts away to their past. He lets a deep sigh. Suddenly he notices Priya behind Vedika. She is coming at him at twice more speed as Vedika. Ram doesn't get any time to process what's happening and Priya starts yelling at him under the rain. 

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, what's your problem, tell me. 

Ram- What did I do now? 

Priya- Why do you want to become a messiah in everybody's life? At first, you try to marry off your sister without knowing her opinion. Then when she flees you try to frame us as kidnappers. 

Ram- That was a misunderstanding. I am....

Priya- Then you try to set me up with a guy. Isn't your own business enough for you? Is matchmaking your new side hustle? 

Ram- I.. I.. My intentions are good. I was trying to help you. 

Priya- Why? Why do you want to help us? What do you think of us? Just because we are not as rich as you...

Ram- Ek second. Don't bring this class difference in everything. 

Priya- Why? Does your ego gets hurt? Why else did you try to help us? What did you think? Let's do some charity. Charity begets at home. So let's marry off all the unmarried girls here. 

Ram- What are you saying? 

Priya- Don't take me lightly. I don't need your charity. 

Ram- I am not doing any charity. 

Looking at the situation vedika feels it will be only right if she leaves. 

Vedika- Ram, I think you should sort this out first. Bye. 

Priya- What do all people think, that middle-class girls like us are only waiting to be picked up by some random rich guy? We are all gold diggers? 

Ram- Ma'am, ma'am, please try to understand. I didn't think of any of this. I respect you.

Priya- Then why did you disrespect me? Why did you come into my life and make me realize how incompetent I am?

Ram gets shocked at the word "incompetent". While Priya runs towards the table that is kept under the shade. She pushes a chair in frustration and breaks down. 

Ram goes there and stands beside her. He gives her some time to cry. Then slowly he speaks up. 

Ram- Did something happen on the date? 

Priya- Date? That wasn't any date. I was just insulted for walking in the rain, being a girl, for my age and my looks. 

Ram sighs in frustration after hearing this. 

Ram- That brat! That man; no not man, that ass was blind, ok? Blind, fool, and an idiot. Priya, please don't cry at his words. He has no right to insult you. There is nothing wrong with walking in the rain. There's nothing wrong with you. You are beautiful, both inside and out. It's just that ass couldn't recognize you. The things you do for your family, the sacrifices you made- he knows none of those. It was his loss. He lost the chance to get a partner as sacrificing as you. 

Ram searches for a tissue in his pockets and finds one. He offers it to Priya. 

Ram- Please, wipe your tears. 

Priya takes the tissue and wipes her tears. 

Ram- Tissue tissue pe hota hain ronewalon ka naam. 

Priya looks at Ram with her eyes wide open after a few moments she chuckles a bit. Which makes Ram chuckle. Then she starts to laugh. 

Ram- Are you laughing? It is the first time that someone is laughing at my joke. 

Priya- It was so bad but still I am laughing. 

They both laugh for quite a long time. 

Priya- Thank you for your kind words. 

Ram- You are welcome. And sorry for choosing the wrong guy. Actually, we didn't know him that well. He is Bri's new friend's brother. Or should I say, former friend? Because once Bri hears about this she's gonna end all relationships with that family. 

Priya- No, please. Please tell her not to break any relationship for me. 

Ram- Priya, those people are not worthy enough. What that guy did with you today is unforgivable. 

Priya- By the way, I should also apologize. I said a lot of things to you. I didn't know you didn't know that guy. I'm sorry. 

Ram- It's ok. Bade bade sharon mein aise chhoti moti baatein hoti rehti hain. 

Priya chuckles a bit. 

Ram- By the way, It's quite late now. I will drop you at home. 

Priya- No, please don't bother yourself. I'll manage my transportation. 

Ram- Are you sure? 

Priya- yeah. 

Ram- Paaiyen paaiyen pe likha hota hain...... Nahi likha hota hain. 

Priya gives another smile and bids adieu. 


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