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After dinner, Priya is cleaning the table. Shivi comes to help her. 

Shivi- Pri di, should I do something? Let me help you.

Priya- [smiling] You don't need to. I will manage. 

Shivi- Ok... But all of you are working. I also want to do something. 

Priya- Umm... Ok. Can you take the plates to Sara di? 

Shivi- Ok. 

Shivi takes the plates to Sara in the kitchen. 

Ram- Areh, wah! You are working! 

Shivi- Ha. 

Ram- When did you grow up so much? I can't believe my eyes. 

Shivi smiles heartily and goes back to Priya. 

Shivi- Anything else Pri di?

Priya- No, I'm done here. 

Shivi- Let's talk then. Come, come sit with me. 

Shivi pulls Priya by her hand and makes her sit on the couch. 

Shivi- Now tell me. 

Priya- What? 

Shivi- What do you hate about Ram vai? 

Priya was unprepared for the question. The question astounds her. 

Priya- Umm... N...nothing. Why do you ask?

Shivi- Then why did you reject mom's proposal? 

Priya- Oo... That's because... 

Unable to find a way to make Shivi understand the actual problems and doubts she keeps quiet. 

Shivi- Do you like somebody, Pri di? 

Priya- No. I don't. 

Shivi- Then? Do you like girls? You can tell me, I am totally cool with it. 

Priya- No, I don't. 

Shivi- Then what? Don't you want to marry anyone? Are you scared?

Priya finds it amusing. Someone is actually putting an effort to understand her. Her insecurities. Her family always tried to explain to her why she should marry. But not in this way. Not asking her first about her problems. She smiles. 

Priya- Perhaps a bit. 

Shivi- Ok, so you are afraid. What scares you the most? 

Priya- Where did you learn this? 

Shivi- What? 

Priya- Finding out problems. 

Shivi- Oh this. I learned it from... Nope, you are trying to change the topic. First, we will talk about you, then this method. Now tell me, what scares you the most? 

Priya smiles again. She actually tried to change the topic. But she has been caught red-handed by this seemingly immature girl. "You are not immature, just pampered. But still, you haven't turned into a brat", Priya thinks to herself while watching her enthusiastic facial expression.

Shivi- Hello, Pri di. Where are you lost?

Seeing Shivi's determination Priya decides to answer.  

Priya- Betrayal. 

Shivi- ... I get it. Akki told me about Mahendra Sood. You are afraid of that sort of person, right? 

Priya- Hmm. 

Shivi- If you find a person who is not like Mahendra Sood, will you marry then? 

Priya- Perhaps. 

Shivi- Then look no further but in that direction. 

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