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In the morning, Shivi went to her boutique with Ram and Priya, despite Nandini's reluctance. She decided to meet Akshay there. Akshay reached the store much before them. He was standing in front of the store waiting for Shivi. 

After arriving at the store Ram got a call from the police. They had traced the number which was sending Akki threatening messages and it belonged to Anjali. Ram requested the police to arrest Anjali and cut the call. Ram took a few seconds before apologizing to Akshay. 

Ram- That number belongs to Anjali. I...I'm sorry Akki. We misunderstood you. Please forgive us. 

Akshay- No, no. It's okay jiju. Shivi is your beloved sister of course you felt protective toward her. But you still trusted me and investigated this matter. It's a lot for me. 

Ram- Still, I should apologize...

Shivi- So, Anjali threatened my Akki and came to cry to me. Why? Why does she want to create a misunderstanding between us? And Akki, why didn't you tell me all this before? 

Akshay- I'm sorry, Shivi. I just didn't want to bother you. 

Shivi- And I am such a stupid! I even trusted her. 

While Shivi and Akki kept blaming themselves, Ram walked to Priya and held his ears with a cute smile. 

Ram- There's a saying that, "Biwi is always right." And I can vouch for it now. 

Priya- Thank you for believing in me and investigating this matter. 

Shivi and Akki went inside the shop. Ram and Priya got into the car.

Ram- By the way why are you thanking me when all I deserve is a good scolding? 

Priya- Why would I scold you?

Ram- Woah! Ek second, the Priya Sood I married would certainly scold me on this. She would say, "Mr. Kapoor, aap aise kaise man liye the? Aap soch bhi kaise liye?" etc. etc.

Priya laughed at Ram's attempt to mimic her. 

Ram- You are laughing!! Ho kya gaya meri Priya ko? 

Priya laughed even more. 

Ram- Seriously asking. Are you all right? What changed you so much? 

Ram stopped the car in front of the bakery and asked her. She was about to get out of the car. But she decided to stop and answer Ram. 

Priya- My husband changed me. He's hardly giving a single chance to get mad at him. Ok bye. 

Priya said this blushing and went into the bakery. 

Ram smiled looking at her. He wanted to say something more. So he got out of the car too. When he was about to enter the bakery he saw Mahendra Sood inside. He stopped at the door. 

Mahendra- I heard from your neighbors that Ram took Shivi away. Is it true?

Priya- Why do you care?

Mahendra- I'm your father, remember? If you can't live your life normally, I'll have to listen to the taunts of society. Now tell me what happened so that I can beg Kapoors not to break ties with you.

Priya- Nobody's gonna taunt you for my actions. You don't have to worry. 

Mahendra- Kitni nacchari hain tu. At least, sometimes stop ruining my reputation. Children make their parents free proud and then there are you and your sister. I came here to help you and you...

Priya- I don't need your help. I can handle my problems by myself. And if I need help my husband is there for me. 

Ram felt happy to know that she trusted him but at the same time, it irritated him to see her father's behavior. He couldn't believe his ears. To his astonishment, Mahendra started cursing her. He decided to intervene then and there. 

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