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That night Priya comes home to some eager souls who are dying to know about the date. 

As soon as she rings the bell, she hears a ruckus, a stomping noise, and a few thuds from inside. Not long after Sandy opens the door with Akki, and Sara looming over her shoulder and Meera not far from them. 

Sandy- How was the date? 

Priya- May I come inside first, ma'am?

Sara- Ha, ha, come. But how was the date, tell us na? 

Priya- Disaster, it was a disaster. I was right all men are the same. 

Hearing this everyone feels sad and hopeless. They go silent and Priya goes to freshen up. 

Suddenly the phone rings and Meera picks it up. She just initiates the conversation by saying hello. After that she says nothing. But her eyes say a thousand words. 

Those eyes express grief, agony, misery, hopelessness, and distress. 

After a while, she puts the phone down. Sara goes to her and puts her hand on her shoulder.

Sara- What happened, mamma? 

Meera- Mahendra Sood called. 

Sara- What did he say? 

Meera- Priya quarreled with the boy. He was there. 

Akki- I am sure Mr. Sood created some problems. 

Sandy- What else did he say, mamma? 

At this question, Meera's eyes get teary. She looks at Sandy with tears in her eyes. Her eyes look so helpless. How should she answer? Once again she had to listen to his badmouthing about her Priya. Once again her Priya was cursed. Once again her Priya was insulted and hurt. But she could do nothing. She couldn't shield her Priya from the world. 

Priya comes out of the washroom. Meera runs to her. 

Meera- Priya, what did the boy say to you? Tell me. 

Priya- What else ma? He's just another typical male. 

Sara- And did you yell at him?

Priya- Of course. Why wouldn't I?

Priya talks while walking out of the washroom and sits on her bed along with everyone. 

Sandy- But what did he say? 

Priya- All the things that a man could say. All the things that people think about me. I shouldn't continue my job, I should focus on them only, and I should always tend to him. Basically, what any man will say to me, that, I am at a bad age to get married, I have a horrendous appearance, habits and my face.....

Priya stops here. Suddenly, she remembers what Ram said to her. 

"You are beautiful, both inside and out." 

"It was his loss."

"He lost the chance to get a partner as sacrificing as you"

A sense of tranquillity swoons over her. 

Sara and Sandy immediately hug her. Akki starts to curse that boy. Meera Puts her hand on Priya's head and starts crying. 

Priya gets up and tries to pacify Meera. 

Priya- Ma, why are you crying? Please, don't. This person was bad. I am saved. Please don't cry. 

Priya's calm tone surprises Sara. She knows her little sister. Her little sister is supposed to erupt like a volcano but she was rather calm.

Sara- Leave it. It's true our Priya is saved from a monster. That's all that matters.

They all share a hug together. Meera wipes her tears. 

Sandy- By the way, So many things happened, but Pri di is still calm? Wah!

Sara mentally facepalms in frustration. She hits Sandy. 

Sara- You've started to talk too much, Sandy. Why shouldn't she huh? Remember She is safe. That's all that matters.

Sandy's question hits Priya. She thinks to herself. Why is she so calm? Is it because of Mr. Kapoor? She certainly wasn't calm after the incident. It was Mr. Kapoor who calmed her down. Priya tries to stop thinking about it. She focuses on her family, she focuses on the very moment. 

Later at night, when it was time to sleep, for a few seconds Priya stops in front of the mirror. 

Ram's voice echoes in her head,

"You are beautiful, both inside and out."

"It was his loss."

Priya thinks to herself, "Am I really? All of my life I've heard nothing else but how bad my appearance and looks are. Some taunted me for that. Some told me to put in some effort. But never did anyone say that."

"No, Priya. Stop thinking about this. He was just pacifying you. These were fake praise."

"But why he was pacifying me?"

"Perhaps, because he has a good heart."

"A good-hearted man, a kind-hearted man. Does he really exist?"

Priya decides to shrug off these thoughts and moves away from the mirror. She goes to sleep. 

Normally, sleep wouldn't come so soon, not after such an incident. 

But today her anger, frustration, distress, and turmoil everything were assuaged. 

She drifts to sleep with a feeling of 


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