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When everyone was busy with Ram & Priya- Shivi got her reports from the hospital. 

The pregnancy test turned out to be negative. She was relieved as she was not to be a mother yet. She wanted to tell the news to everyone. But at the time, her mom brought up the proposal. Shivi became happy thinking her Pri di was going to be her bhabhi. And after Priya's marriage, Akki won't delay their marriage either. So she decided to conceal the fact until Ram and Priya married. 

The biggest fear that motivated her to do this was that if her mom found out she was not pregnant, she wouldn't let her marry Akki at all. 

But Shivi thought to inform Akki as he had the right to know. 

So Shivi called Akki to meet. Akki immediately came to meet her. 

Akki- Shivi, is everything all right? Are you fine? 

Shivi- Ha, Akki. I missed you a lot. 

They hugged each other for a long time. She hid her face in Akki's chest. After a while, they sat. Akki was looking gloomy. So, Shivi asked him about his well-being. 

Akki- Pri di won't marry, Shivi. Ram vai's proposal was such a good one. He is such a sensible person. Pri di would be happy with him. But she declined it. Pri di will never marry on her own. She has closed the door to her heart. She's in denial. She isn't ready to accept the need for a life partner in her life. She needs a little push to marry. But there is no one to give her the push. If only there was someone who would make her believe in love again.  

Akki's eyes teared up. He continued. 

Akki- It's all my fault. For me, you are going through your first pregnancy before our marriage away from me. You probably weren't ready for this. I made you face these difficulties. 

Shivi made an attempt to inform Akki about the reports here. But Akki continued. 

Akki- And I've lost my one last chance to push her to marry. She hates the idea of marriage. But if she doesn't she's gonna be all alone. Only if I hadn't done this- you would be happy and I'd be able to marry her off and fulfill my promise. 

After listening to him and seeing his devastated state, Shivi started to contemplate whether she should tell Akki about the report. She hugged Akki and tried to pacify him as he started sobbing. 

Akki- But don't worry, Shivi. Soon I'll marry you. You know what, Pri di scolded me a lot. I wanted to wait for her marriage that's why. 

Shivi tightened her hug. She apologized to Akki in her mind. She decided to conceal the fact from everyone. What if Akki delayed the marriage again, and if that happened her mom would definitely marry her off to someone else. 

Shivi was at a loss. She was already feeling guilty for hiding the fact from Akki, and on top of that, she couldn't bear to see the love of her life sad and depressed like this. She didn't know what to do or whom to talk to. The only thing she knew is that if Pri di married only then all of her problems would be solved. 

It is the middle of the night. Shivi is pacing in her own room with a can of pringles in her hand. She thinks to herself, 

"So much stress... If only Pri di would agree to marry Ram vai, every problem would be solved. But Pri di avoids marriage. Why does she? It's such a beautiful event! So bright and colorful! I'm gonna enjoy my wedding so much! But what to do about them? Should I go to Ram vai?- No. He won't let me conceal this from mom. After all, he is the ideal son- Ram And mom will never let me marry Akki if not for this. What to do?"

After finishing 3 cans of pringles and planning her wedding for the umptieth time an idea comes to her mind. 

"Idea!! Ram vai and Pri di will marry. I'll make sure of that. They just need a little cupid. And

I'll be the cupid."

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