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At the party, Meera was talking to some close relatives of Akshay's mother. They were asking about how she is, how is her life going on. But soon the topic changed to Priya. The relatives inquired a lot of things about Priya. Such as how old she is, why isn't she married, what is her profession, how much she earns, etc. Meera was trying to answer every question in the most sensible way. But it was getting hard for her to quench their insatiable thirst for other's personal lives without giving them a topic to gossip about. After some time she moves away from them. 

But the relatives are the last people to expect sympathy and decency from. They are always ready to make gossip out of basic information. The Mehra's relatives were no different. Before taking leave from the party, Meera goes to the washroom. There she hears some women making the juiciest story about her Priya. 

Woman 1- I've heard she is a professor. 

Woman 2- She must have earned a lot. 

W1- She also looks after the bakery.

W2- That's why Meera won't marry her off. Who lets a cash cow go away from them? 

W3- The girl must have had some other problem too. 

W1- Of course, she has. She was dating Neeraj before he married Maitri. 

W2- Haa?

W3- Kabhi sautan, kabhi behen? 

W2- Today's dating. God Knows how far they had gone. 

All laugh hysterically. To Meera that doesn't sound like laughter but the shrilling sound of some monsters. How can people think like that? How can they? Don't they have their own children? How can they spew such bitter words about other's children?

Meera doesn't get it. She feels sick. Quickly she goes to Priya. She urges Priya that they should go home quickly. Seeing her pale face, Priya asks if something is wrong with her. She nods her head in a no. They take their leave from the Kapoors and go to their home. 

In the Kapoor mansion, as the Kapoors were seeing everyone off, Ram's friends were having a discussion. 

Kunal- Today was a historical day. 

Adi- Why? 

Kunal- Today Ram didn't utter his, "Shashi kitna lucky hai na" chant. 

Vikrant- Areh, haa vai. I haven't heard it. 

Adi- My brother was so happy today. I haven't seen him crying.

Vikrant- You are right. Ram looked so happy with Priya today.

Adi- Exactly! She didn't let my Ram cry. Now I can happily accept Priya. 

Bri- But still he was checking if they had dinner.  

Kunal- Have patience Bri. It'll take some time. But I'm quite sure, if anyone can bring Ram out of the past, it's gonna be Priya. 

Bri- Fingers crossed. 

They all share a group hug. And Ram approaches them. 

Ram- Areh, Group hug without me? I need one give me one. 

Ram joins the group hug. 

Ram- So, what's the reason? 

Vikrant- Wo...

Bri- Nothing, nothing. Everything went smoothly without any drama, that's why. 

Ram- Achha. By the way, have you seen Vedu? 

Everyone in unison- Not again...

Ram- Achha, sorry, sorry. But it's just, I haven't seen her off. 

Bri- You haven't? 

Bri becomes excited and happy. The rest of the group also becomes happy. 

Ram- Why are you guys so happy? I was busy seeing off Shivi's in-laws. And I missed the chance to see off Vedu. 

Bri- Bhaar mein jayein Vedu. You did the right thing. Seeing off Shivi's in-laws was more important. 

Ram- You just can't tolerate her, na? 

Bri- Because that's a gold digger. 

Ram- No, yaar. She chose Shashi because uncle wanted her to. 

Bri- Oh! come on, jaan. You still believe the crappy logic she gave to you. 

Ram- It's the truth. 

Adi- When will you open your eyes, Ram? 

Ram- Achha, leave it. Don't you want to sleep tonight? It's past midnight. 

Vikrant- Haa, yaar. I should go. I am tired as hell. 

Everybody takes their leave. Ram goes to sleep extremely tired. 


Ram's sleep breaks at 6 am in the morning. Due to Shivi. 

Shivi was shaking him and calling his name. Ram wakes up and sits straight panicked. 

Ram- What happened? What? Is everything alright? 

Shivi- I want English muffin for breakfast. From Sara di's bakery. Go and get it, go, go. Hurry up!!

Ram- Wait, wait. Now? At least let Sara di open her shop. 

Shivi- She will open her shop if you go. I am hungry, vai. 

Ram- Tarun will make you one. Go to him. 

Shivi- Nooo. I want Sara di's muffin. 

Ram- You are going to bother your in-laws so much. Now I am scared for Sara di. 

Shivi- Oh! come on. They won't be bothered. They love me a lot. 

Ram- You are too lucky. Achha, let me at least check with Sara di. 

Shivi- Ok, be quick. I'm waiting. 

Ram calls Sara only to find it unanswered. 

Ram- Look, Sara di must be sleeping. 

Shivi- I know my in-laws better than you. Sara di's been wide awake since 4 in the morning. 

Due to Shivi's persistence, Ram calls Sara several times. Each time the call gets unanswered. They start getting anxious. Ram then calls Priya. She picks up the phone and answers with a heavy voice. 

Priya- Hello.

Ram- Hello! hi, Priya. I was trying to reach Sara di for so long. She didn't pick up. Is everything fine at home? 

Priya doesn't say anything. Ram's getting more and more anxious. 

Ram- Priya, are you alright? 

Priya still doesn't say anything. 

Ram- Priya, is Meera ma alright? 

Priya starts sobbing at the mention of Meera. 

Ram- Priya, is Meera ma alright? 

Priya- Maa had a stroke last night. She is not fine. She is unconscious. We are at the hospital. 

Ram starts to have a panic attack. He pops pills while talking to Priya. 

Ram- Where are you now? At which hospital? 

Priya- At the City Hospital. 

Ram- Don't worry. I am coming. Everything's gonna be fine, Priya. I'm coming to you. 

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