Her Concern

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Everyone was anxiously waiting for the doctor to speak. 

Dr.- Mr. Kapoor has high blood pressure. That caused the nose to bleed. It is 150/110 today. I think he had high blood pressure from long ago. Was it ever diagnosed? Did he take any medicine for it? 

Nandini, Shubhu, and mama looked at each other. Nobody had any idea about Ram's medical history. Adi came forward to speak. 

Adi- No Dr. It was never diagnosed. Ram didn't take any medicines for High BP. 

Dr.- Then he must start it right away. What medicines does he take? 

Adi- Sorry, Dr. But I don't know much about medicines. 

Bri- Dr., he used to take a lot of medicines.

Dr.- I will need more info than that. Also, I need to know about his lifestyle. What was he doing before the incident? Does nobody know?

Nandini- He came home from work and they were eating perhaps. About his lifestyle...

Nandini took a pause as she didn't know much about his lifestyle. 

Mitu mami- How will we know? Ram takes care of us. Hum thode na uski kheyal rakhte hain. 

Dr.- Doesn't anyone know anything about this man? 

 Priya was shocked watching Ram's family's lack of concern for him. She kept quiet until now as she was new in his life. But judging from others' knowledge she decided to speak. 

Priya- I know. I'm his wife. Dr., he was having dinner right before the incident and he ate a lot of spicy and salty food. He was also under a lot of stress for many days. And he is a hypochondriac. So he takes almost all of the over-the-counter drugs. Even today he had his stress pills, decongestants, cold medicines, antacid, and caffeine shot. He was also going to take some pain relievers. 

Dr.- My goodness. All of these can increase the blood pressure. 

When Priya was talking to the doctor Ram had regained his consciousness. He heard Priya explaining his daily routine in one breath. He was astonished to see Priya memorize his chaotic routine just in a few days, which never raised any concern to his family. His heart ached. 

The doctor was writing a prescription for Ram when Shivi entered the room like a storm and fell right on Ram hugging him.

Shivi- Vai, vai aap thik ho? I was so scared. 

Akki was quick to hold her so that Ram didn't get crushed under her. Ram smiled putting his hand on her head. He smiled. His heartache went away seeing his baby sister's concern for him. 

Ram- I'm fine, bachhe. Tu itni raat ko kyun aayi? 

Shivi- I was so scared. Akki said you were bleeding. 

Ram- That was nothing. Just high blood pressure. Ask your Pri di. She handled me well. Look at her. So cool and calm. Nothing serious happened. 

Shivi- Pri di looks devastated. 

Everyone looked at Priya listening to Shivi. Bri was still holding her. Priya composed herself feeling everyone's gaze upon her.

Priya- I'm fine Shivi. I'm not devastated. 

Priya tried to hide her emotions. But Ram saw those red eyes of hers.

Priya- I think he should rest now. It's quite late at night. 

Dr.- Yeah, the most necessary thing for him is now complete rest. Make sure he sleeps well. You all should leave the patient alone. And for his care...

Priya- I'll be here. I'll look after him. And Tarun, show the nurse our guest room. Sister, if you stay here we'll be grateful. 

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