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Ram and Priya got ready to go to their respective workplace. Ram was attending calls and getting ready simultaneously. Tarun was there helping him to put on the blazer and blow dry his hair. He was putting the suits back in the closet. Punnu was organizing the files to take and Ram was continuously attending calls one after another. 

For the first time, Priya could comprehend how busy of a person he is. She watched the busy bee while packing her few things and tying her hair into a ponytail. Ram was about to storm out of the room. But he stood at the door and looked at Priya. 

Ram- Where are you going? 

Priya- To my varsity. 

Ram- Me too. I mean I am going to my office and your varsity and my office is in the same place. So, shall we go together? My driver will be here any minute.

Priya- I have already called my auto. 

Ram- Then let's go by your auto. 

Priya- No, I mean. You won't be able to. It's too hot now and you are in a suit. 

Ram- Yes, I am in a suit. 

Priya- Let's go separately.

Ram- But you believe in saving petrol, so...

Priya- Yeah, but I've already called my auto. It'll unfair to cancel it now. 

Ram- So let's go by auto. I don't have any problem with it. I can manage. When Dad hadn't bought the car we used to travel by auto.

Priya- And how long it has been since? 

Ram- It has been about... umm... 23 years since. Dad bought the car right before Shivi was born. 

Priya- 23 years is a long time Mr. Kapoor. 

Ram- Yeah but later I have ridden auto. Right after Dad's death, when I our business faced problems.  

Priya- I'm sorry to hear that.

Ram- It's been 18 years since. 

Priya- Still a long time.

Ram- What's your point, Priya? 

Priya- You won't be able to tolerate the heat outside, Mr. Kapoor. 

Ram- Mr. Kapoor, can tolerate everything in the world. Try me. 

They kept bickering while walking to the auto. Finally, Priya gave up infront of Ram's stubbornness. They both got in the car. 

Getting in the auto hit Ram about how wrong he was. As always, Priya was right and the heat felt unbearable to him. As the auto started, air began to flow. But it wasn't of much help- the hot and humid air of Mumbai. After a few minutes Ram took off his blazer. Then he rolled up the sleeves and sat at the corner of the seat. He kept his hand outside holding his phone.

Priya looked at his hand. It looked almost sculpted with prominent veins. A sheer layer of sweat was glistening like diamonds on his hairy arm. Soon her eyes fell on the phone he was holding. Anyone could snatch that phone in a blink of an eye. Priya pulled his hand inside. 

Ram- What happened?

Priya- Mr. Kapoor, if you keep your hand outside someone might steal your phone, snatch it from you. 

Ram- [Laughing] Nice joke.

Priya- No I am serious. 

Ram got scared a bit. He moved from the corner to seat closer to Priya. Priya felt a bit uncomfortable. 

Priya- Can you move a bit to your side? 

Ram- You just said someone will snatch it. 

Priya- Ha to, someone might snatch your phone. Nobody's gonna snatch you. 

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